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2 Ways To Gain More Positive Google Reviews For Your Business

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Is your business struggling to gain positive Google reviews? There are two sure-fire ways you can get more reviews and get start on them immediately.

This article focuses on how businesses can enhance customer journeys and customer service to get more positive Google reviews. Let’s begin with customer service.

1. Customer Service

Nothing focuses on your customer service delivery more than the promise of outstanding Google Reviews. This is why the foundation for getting positive reviews is excellent customer service. If your customer service systems and staff are not up to the task, it’s time to improve them immediately.

Your customer service will need to ensure it’s winning in these core areas:


Ensure your customer service has multiple channels for customers to reach out (phone, email, live chat, social media). Your customer support team must be highly responsive to customer inquiries and complaints. Make sure all communication is recorded and analyzed for areas of improvement.

Customers will feel more valued when addressed by name and any reference to prior sales and interactions. Resolving issues quickly will always please customers. Train and empower your support staff to provide an end-to-end service.

Knowledge base

Knowledge is power at your fingertips or, more importantly, your customers’ fingertips. Frequently update and improve the knowledge base based on typical customer queries. Your chatbot can suggest keyword access to the knowledge base to assist customers. Surveys will also provide feedback for FAQs and new product or service issues.

Continuous Improvement

Regularly review and update customer service processes to adapt to changing customer needs. Embrace a culture of continuous improvement within the customer service department and everywhere within the business, from marketing to sales to fulfilment.

2. Customer Journey

Streamline the customer journey to make it easy for them to interact with your business and leave reviews. Simplify the purchasing process and provide clear instructions for leaving feedback.

What is the customer buying journey?

The customer buying journey, also known as the customer journey or purchasing funnel, refers to the process a customer goes through when making a purchase decision. It typically involves several stages, which can vary depending on the industry and type of product or service.

Customer journey steps

Typically, a customer buying journey includes the following steps.


The customer becomes aware of a need or a problem they want to solve. External factors, such as advertising, word of mouth, or online research, often trigger this.


The customer researches and evaluates different options to address their need or problems. They compare products or services, read reviews, and seek information to make an informed decision.


Based on their research, the customer prefers a particular product or service. They may have a specific brand or solution in mind.


The customer makes the decision to buy and completes the transaction. This can happen online, in-store, or through other channels, depending on the nature of the product.

Post-Purchase Experience

After the purchase, the customer assesses their experience with the product or service. This stage is crucial for customer satisfaction, as positive experiences can lead to repeat business and word-of-mouth recommendations.

Customer Journey Improvements

Businesses can create a more positive and seamless customer buying journey, increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Understanding customer needs

Gain a deep understanding of your target audience and their needs. This involves conducting market research, analyzing customer feedback, and staying attuned to market trends.

Market research

Market research is a valuable tool for gaining insights into customer needs. Combining several research methods can provide a comprehensive understanding of customer needs and allow you to tailor your products, services, and marketing strategies to better meet those needs.

What types of market research help you understand your customers better?

  • Surveys: Create surveys using tools like SurveyMonkey or Google Forms to collect quantitative data on customer preferences, satisfaction, and needs
  • Interviews: Conduct in-depth interviews with customers to investigate their experiences and preferences.
  • Social Media Monitoring: Monitor social media platforms for mentions of your brand, products, or industry to gauge customer sentiment and identify emerging trends.
  • Customer Persona Development: Create detailed customer personas based on demographic, psychographic, and behavioral data to understand your target audience better.
  • Trend Analysis: Keep an eye on industry trends and changes in consumer behavior to stay ahead of evolving customer needs.
  • Online Analytics: Use website analytics tools to track user behavior on your website, identifying popular pages, drop-off points, and overall user engagement.

User experience

Ensure that researching, selecting, and purchasing products or services is user-friendly and intuitive. This applies to both physical and online experiences.

Recognize that customers may interact with your brand through various online and offline channels. Ensure a seamless and consistent experience across all touchpoints.

Offer excellent customer support before, during, and after the purchase. Engage with customers through various social media channels to address their concerns and build a positive relationships.

Actively seek customer feedback and use it to improve your products, services, and overall customer experience.

Improving the user buying experience is crucial for any business looking to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty, and your business will need to have the following UX requirements.

  • User-Friendly Website Design: Ensure that your website and other online assets are easy to navigate and have an intuitive design. Optimizing for mobile devices is necessary as many users shop on smartphones and tablets.
  • Clear Product Information: While it may seem obvious, providing detailed and accurate product information, including specifications, sizes, and materials, doesn’t always happen successfully. Quality control of the content, including the images and videos, helps customers understand the product better. Clearly display product prices, shipping costs, and any additional fees. Avoid hidden charges to build trust with customers.
  • Smooth Checkout Process and Payment Options: Simplify the checkout process to minimize the number of steps. Offer guest checkout options and make account creation optional. Ensure that your payment gateway is secure and reliable.

How To Use Marketing To Get Reviews

After a purchase or service, send personalized follow-up emails thanking customers for their business and kindly requesting a review. Include direct links to your Google My Business (GMB) review page.

Send text messages to customers asking for feedback and providing a link to your GMB page. Keep the news concise and encourage them to share their experience.

Place QR codes on receipts, packaging, or in-store that link directly to your GMB review page. Customers can quickly scan the code with their smartphones to leave a review.

Use tools and platforms that automate the review request process. These tools can integrate with your customer database and send automated requests at strategic times.

Actively engage with your audience on social media platforms. Share positive reviews and encourage followers to share their experiences. This can create a positive feedback loop.

Offer incentives and a loyalty program

Consider offering small incentives or discounts for customers who leave reviews. Be cautious with this approach, ensuring it complies with Google’s policies and doesn’t compromise the integrity of reviews. Tie your review requests to a loyalty program. Offer additional rewards or discounts to customers who consistently provide positive feedback.

Display review badges

Showcase Google review badges on your website. Positive social proof can encourage customers to leave their own feedback.

Monitor and respond to reviews

Regularly monitor your reviews on Google. Respond promptly to both positive and negative reviews. Engaging with customers demonstrates that you value their feedback.

Final Thoughts

With these recommendations, you know what action is needed to improve your customer journeys and support service to get more positive reviews.

Ensure your Google My Business profile is complete and optimized with accurate business information, attractive photos, and a compelling business description.

Remember, the key to getting more positive Google reviews is to provide exemplary buyer’s journey and customer service and to make the review process as simple and convenient as possible for customers.