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5 Reasons to Use Customer Surveys

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Not only are customers always right, they always know best about your product or service. At the end of the day, customers drive the value, benefit, and worthiness of your product or service and your overall brand. Knowing what pleases your customers, what they like, and what satisfies their needs is crucial for the long-term success of your company.

One of the best ways to receive feedback is to use customer surveys. By using a quality WordPress survey plugin and asking the right questions, you can gather customer information that will be beneficial. Once you know how to create a survey, collecting customer feedback will be easy.

5 Reasons Your Business Needs To Use Surveys

Not yet convinced? Here are 5 reasons to use customer surveys.

1. It Shows You Value Customers

No customer likes to feel like just another number spending money on your product or service. Many companies go wrong by not taking the time to add a human voice to their brand.

Asking your customers for feedback shows that you care and value their opinions. Customers who feel that a business sees them as an essential asset are more likely to have brand loyalty and trust. By creating strong bonds with your customers, you will gain brand ambassadors who refer your company, leave positive online reviews, and share positive word-of-mouth in person.

Allowing your customers to become a focal piece of your company makes you more likely to experience positive reactions.

2. Improve Products & Services

Before you launch a new product or service, you likely conduct market research to determine which customers may be interested in your offering. You probably also use quality control and assurance to weed out obvious flaws. However, the fact is that it takes customer feedback to learn the true problems and advantages of your offering.

Customer feedback gives you direct insight into what’s good about your product and what needs to be done to improve the experience. Professional knowledge in your industry is essential, but customers are the ones who provide the most valuable input.

Using customer surveys, you can collect feedback that will improve your product or service and your company.

3. Measure Customer Satisfaction

Knowing how customers feel about your product is one thing. When you ask for customer feedback, you can measure customer satisfaction and loyalty. The more satisfied your customers are, the more likely they will continue purchasing from your business alone. This leads to higher revenue, lower costs, and increased market share.

With improved customer satisfaction comes increased loyalty. While bringing new customers on board is nice, you must stay focused on retaining existing customers. In fact, around 65% of most companies’ business comes from existing customers.

By asking for customer feedback, you can clearly understand how satisfied customers are with your products and your business. Using this feedback, you can make improvements to keep customers happy.

4. Reliable Information for Other Customers

Whether you’re booking a hotel room, finding a local restaurant in your city, or looking for home cleaning services, chances are you don’t just book the first option. Instead, you look online for reviews, or maybe you ask friends for referrals on social media.

It’s well-known that most consumers don’t trust advertisements or expert advice. Instead, consumers place a high value on the opinions provided by your past or current customers. Using customer surveys, you can use some of the positive information provided and present it on your company website.

By sharing testimonials and reviews, your company will be seen in a much more positive light.

5. Improved Customer Retention

It goes without saying that a satisfied customer will stick with your company in the long run. An unhappy customer is more likely to purchase from one of your competitors, leaving you in the dust.  By routinely seeking customer feedback, you can determine if your customers are happy while also figuring out areas of improvement.

Asking for your customers’ opinions routinely is an effective way to reach out and conduct a pulse check. While no one likes to receive negative feedback, you can turn it into something positive by reacting and making the appropriate changes. When you send the following customer survey, you can likely expect more positive words and praise by making adjustments internally.

Getting Customers To Complete Surveys

The ease of getting customers to complete product or service surveys online can vary widely based on several factors. Here is a list of what your business needs to provide to get customers and other audiences to complete your surveys.

Relevant and incentivise

Addressing the respondent by name and tailoring the survey questions to their specific experiences can create a sense of personal connection, increasing the likelihood of participation. Additionally, if the survey concerns a product or service the customer genuinely cares about or has recently used, they are more likely to engage. The survey should be relevant to their experience.

Customers are more likely to complete surveys if they are motivated to do so. Incentives like discounts, gift cards, or entries into a prize draw can significantly boost participation rates.

Short and clear is better

Work on the length of the survey. Short and straightforward surveys tend to have higher completion rates. Long and overly complex surveys can deter respondents due to the time and effort required.

Be clear about the purpose of the survey, how the data will be used, and how long it will take. This transparency can build trust and encourage participation. Clearly communicate the value of the survey to the respondents. Let them know how their feedback will contribute to improvements in products or services.


An easy-to-navigate and user-friendly survey interface enhances the likelihood of completion. Complicated or confusing layouts can lead to frustration and abandonment.

Assure respondents that their data will be handled securely and anonymously. Concerns about data privacy can discourage participation.

Ensure your survey is mobile-friendly, as many users access surveys from their smartphones.

Follow-up reminders

Sending follow-up reminders to non-respondents can help increase completion rates. However, be careful not to become too intrusive and annoy your customers.


Customer surveys are one of the most effective ways to build relationships with customers while also getting valuable feedback that allows you to measure customer satisfaction, loyalty, and more. If you’re on the fence about using customer surveys, remember these benefits when making the ultimate decision.

The timing of the survey matters. Sending a survey immediately after a customer has interacted with your product or service might yield higher response rates since their experience is fresh in their minds.

The difficulty of getting customers to complete online surveys depends on various factors related to the survey itself, the target audience, and how the survey is conducted. By optimizing these factors and demonstrating the value of their input, you can increase the chances of customers completing your surveys.