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3 Tips to Get Instagram Followers for Your Business

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With its ever-growing popularity, not only as a social network but also as a vital business tool, it can be challenging to stand out, find your niche and gain natural followers for Instagram.

Gone are the days of using Instagram as an editing app or a place to post any old photo from your camera roll. Today, yes, you can buy followers, but without the engagement to match it, you will certainly not be taken as seriously by brands, potential clients, or customers.

Fake followers or bots will not engage with your content in the same way a natural person will, so the goal is to target users who will genuinely resonate with the content you’re sharing.

Feeling lost amid this ever-changing app? Continue reading to learn how to gain an authentic following quickly and strategically.

Find a Quality Instagram Growth Service

Gaining followers on Instagram is no easy task. The process is tedious and extremely time-consuming, and in this day and age, who has that kind of time?

With the demand for a solution, Instagram growth and marketing services has been launching left and right. As the old saying goes, “Work Smarter, Not Harder,” so why not have one of these services take the grunt work out of figuring out how to get Instagram followers?

The best kind of growth services aid in organically growing your following, reaching actual users, and not just making your numbers appear high. So how does one find the ideal growth service?

It may be easier to start by highlighting instant red flags when looking for an Instagram growth service. Avoid services that guarantee a certain number of followers or suggest buying a set number. These tactics will not help you retain followers long-term.

As noted before, a quality Instagram growth service will promote organic growth, which is crucial for your brand’s reputation. Additionally, it will target real people, non-ghost followers, who will engage with your page and hopefully launch your business or personal brand. Most importantly, choose a service that explains precisely how it works.

Look for services that show in-depth client reviews informative videos and offer one-on-one support from their experienced representatives. Honesty and transparency are essential when finding an Instagram growth service, so ensure you get both!

Post-High-Quality Content

An Instagram growth service will only take you so far when growing a business.

The key to engaging audiences and creating brand loyalty is through posting high-quality content. If this aspect of Instagram marketing seems rather intimidating, don’t freak out, there are easy ways to create captivating content guaranteed to give you that influencer-level is aesthetic.

The goal is to stop users dead in their scrolling tracks to pause and engage with your photo. First, capture an image with a clear focal point using the classic photography rule, the rule of thirds. If this phrase is entirely foreign, imagine a 9-section grid over the photo and ensure the focal point is in one-third of the grid. iPhones make this easy with their built-in grid feature. While in photo shoot mode, make sure to take tons of photos! The more options, the better to ensure that an Insta-worthy photograph is captured.

Next, filter, filter, filter. Edit your photos so your profile is eye-catching and cohesive. Again, the goal is to stop endless scrollers and force them to like and comment on your image. If you’re not in the business of creating your own content, don’t be afraid to post high-quality stock photos and user-generated content.

Once you’ve nailed the photo selection process, ensure the caption is engaging too. Whether the words are witty, informative, or emotional, the goal is to resonate with the reader. Once you have mastered the perfect blend of photos and captions, your audience will have no choice but to want to follow your account.

Utilize Relevant Hashtags

Creating a hashtag strategy intensifies the Instagram marketing game. Hashtags categorize content, increase engagement, and expand brand awareness, and are one of the most effective tools for social media managers searching for ways to get Instagram followers.

Without hashtags, businesses miss opportunities to reach new users and gain followers.

Search the Instagram app for hashtags closely related to your desired topic. This will give you a better understanding of which hashtags are relevant and trending.

Stay clear of overused and generic ones to avoid getting lost in the sea of hashtags. One effective way to find more specific hashtags is by mimicking hashtag walls used by influencers or businesses that share your target audience. Additionally, hashtag generators can now be found online and in the app store.

No perfect combination of hashtags is guaranteed to help you instantly gain thousands of followers; mastering hashtag strategy takes trial and error. To create your hashtag sequence on posts, be extremely specific to narrow the targeted user pool, mainly testing out different daily, geographical, and custom niche tags.

Most notably, include one branded hashtag in every post to spread awareness about your brand or business. Hashtags are potent tools for growing an audience and boosting engagement. With solid research efforts, a plan, and proper execution, you will, without a doubt, be on the path toward hashtag strategy success.

With a quality Instagram growth service, great content, and a well-thought-out hashtag strategy, the potential to gain Instagram followers is infinite. The key is the intention in all areas to ensure no lack of attention in one place sabotages efforts to reach a larger audience.

Hopefully, these insider tips and tricks have inspired and challenged previous strategies and given more actionable options for getting Instagram followers.