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Three Tips To Improve Your Social Media Marketing Strategy

Social media has exploded over the past couple of years. Gone are the days where there is just Facebook and updating your status from time to time. So it makes complete sense that businesses are on all forms of social media too. If it is an extra way to promote your brand or business, then it has got to be a good thing. There are a lot of reasons why it is a good idea too. First of all, it can be much cheaper than other forms of marketing.

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Social media has exploded over the past couple of years. Gone are the days where there is just Facebook and updating your status from time to time. So it makes complete sense that businesses are on all forms of social media too. If it is an extra way to promote your brand or business, then it has got to be a good thing. There are a lot of reasons why it is a good idea too. First of all, it can be much cheaper than other forms of marketing. Plus, you can be quite specific in your advertising and outreach. You don’t know if a television advert will reach your target audience. But you do know that you can target a Facebook or Instagram advert to your target demographic.

It can be tricky to keep on top of, though, as so many things are changing with social media. So here are some top tips to make sure that you are maximizing your social media exposure and making it work for you.

Video Content

Gone are the days when there was only Snapchat or YouTube as a way of sharing a quick story. Those platforms are still as popular as ever. But now there are other options from platforms that might have more users that are suited to your brand or business. You can do live feeds from Facebook or Instagram, as well as Snapchat style stories on Instagram too. You can even do quick uploads to Twitter too. It is a great way to engage with your followers and give them a behind the scenes look. It makes the brand or business seem more ‘human’ when video content is created.

Beat the Algorithm

One of the tricky things about social networks like Facebook and Instagram is the algorithm that they have. Take for instance Instagram. It will only share your picture to a certain number of people, based on likes that it receives in the first fifteen or twenty minutes. So you need to think about the time of day that you’re posting. You should also think about getting things like quick Instagram likes to help maximize your reach. For Facebook page content, it is a good idea to vary the type of content you share. If Facebook thinks that your new post was too similar to your last one, it won’t share it with as many people. So vary using links, photos, and videos.

Get Help

If you don’t think that you have much time or resources spare to be dealing with your social media, then it could be something that you choose to outsource. It could be a social media management company, or perhaps just to a freelance virtual assistant. You can schedule your posts quite easily. But part of the appeal of social media is the interaction that you have with your followers or those interested in your brand. They want to ask questions or resolve problems on your social media. So you need someone there to help deal with it all.