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Is Video the Most Engaging Content-Type in 2024?

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video content the most popular

Social media has forever changed how businesses advertise their products and raise brand awareness. These digital platforms have replaced traditional marketing channels, and social media content is the key to modern business success.

There are lots of options when it comes to creating and publishing digital content. So, what should businesses use to reach and engage their audience?

Top Content Types For Engagement

Brands will use images, blog posts, videos, and audio like podcasts. Let’s look at each of these in detail and discuss why videos are the most important for businesses in 2024.


Images have always been necessary for advertising and marketing purposes. There are countless examples of famous magazine ads and billboards throughout history. This hasn’t changed today; images remain an incredibly useful tool for brands looking to promote their products and services.

However, while magazine and billboard ads still exist, most advertising images today are posted on social media platforms, with channels like Facebook and Instagram among the top choices for brands worldwide.

The power of images lies in their simplicity and accessibility. Consumers can look at a picture and understand its message in seconds. Well-crafted images can deliver information without the viewer even realising.

Over 3 billion images are posted online daily, many of which will be adverts for products and brands. This is a testament to just how vital images are and how important it is for brands to include them in their marketing strategy.

Did you know images include:

  • Photos
  • Illustrations
  • Infographics
  • Vectors

Plus, when you want to custom design your images, there are AI design tools, so you don’t need to be an artist or graphic designer.


In the past, we’d have to watch TV or visit a cinema to watch videos. Now, things couldn’t be more different. Billions of us have access to unlimited streams of video content in the palm of our hands through today’s ultra-modern smartphones and colossal social networks.

YouTube kick-started the video content revolution in 2005, but the explosive rise of TikTok in recent years has demonstrated the true power of video content.

TikTok, an algorithm-powered video-sharing platform, boasts hundreds of millions of users and sees 34 million videos posted on the channel every day. It’s the most popular app in the world, demonstrating just how engaged modern consumers are with video content.

If you want to use video content to market your brand and services, you must understand how to create engaging, stand-out videos. Video templates can give you a framework around which to build your videos. This can be an excellent approach if you don’t have much experience with video editing and can provide you with a guide to use as your skills improve.

Blog Posts

Written content like blog posts might seem old-fashioned compared to images and videos. However, it can still be helpful for brands looking to maximise the results of a social media content strategy.

While images and videos can offer consumers a preview or a snapshot, blogs can dive deep into a topic and deliver lots of information. Consumers always appreciate instructional and informative content, and your business blogs can help them understand how to use your products properly and take full advantage of their benefits.

Blog posts should be informative. They can also be newsworthy and educational, and if you’ve found your stride, strive to make them entertaining.

The last thing you want to do is to bore your readers, as today’s internet users have notoriously short attention spans. Keep your writing personal and informal, but ensure you deliver a valuable message.

Additionally, pay close attention to your spelling and grammar and always ensure they are impeccable. If your blogs are poorly written and misspelled, your business can seem unprofessional, unreliable, and untrustworthy.


Finally, we have audio content. Podcasts have taken the world by storm in recent years; you can find a podcast about any topic you can imagine. People listen to podcasts on their morning commute, when travelling abroad, in bed, and simply relaxing at home.

The podcast market is vast, so as a brand, this is something you don’t want to overlook. However, brand or product-specific podcasts aren’t particularly effective. Few people will want to sit down and listen to an hour-long advert. Instead, reach out to popular podcasters and forge partnerships.

In doing so, you can run short audio ads on their podcasts and market your products to massive, engaged audiences.


Marketing today is all about content. While images, blog posts, and audio are essential, video content is the most effective at engaging viewers and delivering your brand’s message. Don’t feel intimidated by the thought of creating video content; there are plenty of tools and resources available that you can use to learn the skills and techniques involved.