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How Marketing Can Get You Ahead Of Your Competition

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why digital marketing is necessary

Do you know what your competitors are doing to get ahead of you?

Every business has at least one rival, maybe many ready to take your customers and grab some of your market shares.

But you know all this – right? So if you have a business and want to ensure you’re the one that’s noticed by your intended audience, not your competitors, this business blog is for you. We look at creating a community of followers for your sales and marketing campaigns. You will need to use the following:

  • Social Media
  • Interactive Content
  • Video
  • Online Assets

Social Media and Interactive Content

Social media is something that everyone either uses or has used. It’s ubiquitous, which is the ideal place to market your business. This technology has changed a lot over the last few years, and there are now many functions that make it suitable for business owners, from paid ads to boosting posts to determining exactly who you can reach and when.

Customer Discovery

The key is to find out where your customers spend their time. Is it Facebook, for example? Perhaps it’s Twitter, Instagram, or TikTok?

You’ll need to carry out plenty of market research to determine precisely where you need to be focusing your attention. Once you know this, you must post regularly because consistently reminding people you are there is essential.

Your business must use social media to share relevant content that sparks conversation and shares. You want followers on your social media profiles. Create a social media content plan to get your customers talking about your brand, as this will increase the number of people who view your content.


Your content must be exciting and purposeful to attract the people you want to converse with and secure as customers and brand advocates who will like and share most of your posts.


One way to do this is to run competitions on social media that encourage your customers to like, share, and comment on your content. This will increase the reach of your content, allowing you to engage with a broader customer base.

You can also use social media to keep an eye on your competition. They will be posting too, so if you follow their pages and accounts, you can see if you need to think about anything. Of course, remember that they could be following you if you are following them!

Video Games

Who doesn’t like a short video game to wind down a bit from the job? Short video games are memorable, easy to share, and create conversation. Make sure you have a CTA – call to action at the end of the game so the viewers can visit your website, blog, or shop.

Sales Videos

Technology has come so far in recent years that we rely on it often. You might think that there is no way you can use it to get ahead of the competition because everyone is doing the same thing.

Although this idea has some truth, there are still many ideas that you can use to help you. One of these is video sales.

Video production

You can reach more eyeballs when you create a video about your product or service and stream it on your website, YouTube channel, and social media. You can also email or mobile message the video directly to your customers and email list, improving engagement and conversions.

Plus, you have no work to do when you use niche video production software and service providers that know your industry.

For example, suppose you have a car dealership and a customer interested in a specific car, but they’re not in your area.  The prospective customer is not lost on your business. You can still secure the sale using a service that professionally produces automotive videos like SnapCell software.

First impressions count, and when the video is first-rate – that’s a good start for sale!


Don’t fall into the trap of taking the video yourself – an amateur production may do more harm than good, turn the customer off your product, and share their views with their followers on social media. Should this occur, you must go into overdrive to protect your business reputation before competitors pounce on your misfortune.

Using online content to sell your product may differ from the usual direct sales approach, with someone talking through the information on the phone.

However, accessibility and format are more likely to hold the customer’s interest, allowing you to convert their interest into a sale.


web dev team

Of course, every business has to have a website, so this might not sound as though it’s the kind of tech that will help you stand out, but the fact is that if you use your website in the right way, it certainly can be.

Even if your competition does have their own website, that doesn’t mean you’re on an even footing with them; if you can make your website more user-friendly and exciting, yours will be the one people want to visit.

Some ideas of how you can do this include:

  • Fast loading and mobile-first design
  • Intuitive menus and site taxonomy
  • Grammar and spell-checked content
  • An online store
  • Brand personality


One of the most visited areas of a website is the blog – so keep your blog active with regular high-quality content that supports your website goals to attract relevant visitors. How do you add useful and interesting content to your blog? Mix the content up with some long posts and some short plus. also include:

  • Videos
  • Q&A sessions
  • Guest interviews
  • Company and industry news
  • How-to articles

Final Words

Standing out from the competition takes more than using the latest technology and marketing strategies. You must also invest in customer service, supply chain management, and staff.

Brand presence and authority will expose your business to new customers and markets. Using these marketing initiatives will grow your community, from which you can secure more sales and keep the competition at bay.