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How Top Business Blogs Use Visual and Value Driven Storytelling

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how business blogs use storytelling

A well-crafted business blog can help establish your brand’s voice and drive more leads and sales.

Using storytelling in business blogs, primarily through visual and value-driven storytelling, can be a powerful way to connect with customers and build meaningful relationships.

Successful business blogs combine visual elements, personal narratives, and a values-driven approach to create compelling content that attracts and retains readers and builds a strong connection between their business and its customers.

Let’s look at why and how successful business blogs use visual and value-driven storytelling in their blog posts.

1. Visual Storytelling

In the early days of business blogging, most posts consisted mainly of text and lacked many colors. Boring? Yes, black text on a white background is not visually stimulating.

Today, successful blog posts are more likely to include visual content such as images, videos, infographics, and charts to make the content more engaging and easier to understand.

Additionally, the visual content is used to support and enhance storytelling.

Visual storytelling is an effective technique used on business blogs to engage readers and convey messages. It involves strategically using all types of visual content and well-crafted stories to connect with the audience.

If you’re wondering how telling stories can be relevant to your business, let’s look. Communicating your brand is easy when you use relatable images.

Visuals can tell a brand’s story – from its history, values, and mission. Customers make buying decisions based on emotion, and this is where businesses can tap into that emotion with their stories.

When users visit a website, apart from the home page, the ‘About‘ and ‘Contact’ pages are the most visited.

On your business blog, create a stronger connection with your audience and build brand loyalty through sharing your history in images and videos. By adopting this technique, businesses can effectively achieve their marketing goals.

What type of blog content uses visual storytelling?


Christmas party

Your business blog is where you cover events and news. When your business is involved in events or conferences, visual storytelling can be used to share the experience with the audience, providing insights, photos, and videos.

Show your colleagues having fun at your Christmas party – the action humanizes your business with its blog audience, including customers, advocates, and referrers.

Success stories

The easiest way to sell is to showcase success stories using visual storytelling. Through images, graphs, or videos, businesses can illustrate the impact of their products or services on clients or customers. Add a few blog posts yearly on how your business solved a problem. This is called hero’s journey storytelling.

Hero’s Journey storytelling

The Hero’s Journey is a popular storytelling framework introduced by Joseph Campbell. It is widely used in marketing to create engaging narratives that connect with the audience. The framework involves a character’s journey through various stages, including a call to adventure, challenges, obstacles, and transformation.


Videos are easy to follow; therefore, create how-to guides to explain how to use your offerings and introduce new products and updates.

Using infographics, diagrams, and videos makes dry and complex topics more digestible and engaging. Your blog will have categories, and one can be on How-To-Guides. Be sure to seek feedback on your tutorials with an interactive poll.

Interactive content

Businesses now incorporate more interactive content into their blogs, such as quizzes, polls, and surveys.  Most instructive business blog posts can accommodate a closing survey to gauge reader interest in the topic.

Interactive content encourages engagement and can help businesses better understand their audience. However, moving away from simple text to include visual and interactive content types increases the page size and load time. At the end of this blog post are tips on managing page load times on desktop and mobile.

2. Value-Driven Storytelling

To increase engagement, businesses now create more personalized content that resonates with their target audience. This includes value-driven storytelling, an approach to narrative that emphasizes the communication of the brand’s core values, beliefs, and principles.

In this type of storytelling, the focus is not just on the plot or characters but also on conveying a specific set of values or a particular message to the audience. This can be used in various contexts, including marketing and business communication. It is ideal for blog content.

Value driven storytelling will depend on your brand’s personality, target audience and marketing objectives, when you know what experiences will make great stories over time you will find them.

Here is an example of an inspirational story about kindness that emphasizes values that resonate with audiences. The person in the story is called Sarah. Someone like her could work in your business and have a similar story.

A value-driven fictional story called The Power of Kindness

Plot Summary

The story revolves around a small town where the residents are facing various challenges. The central character, Sarah, is a young woman who works at the local community center. Despite the hardships, she believes in the power of kindness to make a difference.

Throughout the narrative, Sarah consistently demonstrates kindness, helping an elderly neighbor with groceries, tutoring a struggling student, or organizing community events. As a result, the town starts to come together, and positive changes begin to occur.

One day, the community faces a significant crisis, testing the strength of their unity. Sarah, guided by her unwavering belief in kindness, spearheads a collective effort to overcome the challenge. Inspired by her example, the townspeople join forces to support one another, showcasing the transformative impact of kindness in the face of adversity.

Key Values Conveyed


The story emphasizes the transformative power of simple acts of kindness in building a supportive and resilient community.


The narrative underscores the importance of unity and collaboration, showing that people can achieve more together for a common cause.


In the face of challenges, the characters demonstrate resilience and perseverance, showcasing the strength of a positive mindset.

This example illustrates how the story is not just about the events but also about promoting values such as kindness, unity, and resilience.

Value-driven storytelling aims to leave a lasting impression on the audience, encouraging them to reflect on and adopt the portrayed values in their lives.

Success business blogs include value-driven stories that may be text images or videos.

Summing Up

Top business blogs must be more engaging and interactive to build meaningful relationships and deep customer connections.

With so many blogs, business bloggers need to understand their audience, create and use compelling visuals, and tell value-driven stories about your brand.