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10 Ways To Be A Great Boss

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how to be a great boss

Are you a great boss? Being a boss is no easy task, so if you’re wondering whether you’re doing a good job, there are some signs to look out for.

If you realise your staff could be happier working for you while reading our article, check out our people management tips. Any improvements will see your employees performing at their best because you bring out the best in them.

You will need to get feedback from others, examine your management practices and their impact on your team, and learn to better understand yourself through self-reflection. Self-awareness and checking in with your emotional state and behavioural processes are critical to adopting change.

Signs You Are A Great Boss

Maybe you’re already a great boss. Here are some sure signs you can use to assess your performance.

1. Open communication

Good bosses encourage open and honest communication with their employees. They listen actively, provide feedback, and address concerns promptly. As leaders, great people managers create an environment where employees feel comfortable expressing their ideas and opinions.


Create a safe space for employees to share their ideas, concerns, and feedback. Actively listen to their input and implement changes when appropriate. Regularly communicate organisational updates to keep everyone informed and engaged. Regular off-site team meetings and events will help everyone to relax and share their experiences.

2. Conflict resolution

You know you’re a great boss when you address conflicts and disagreements promptly and constructively. Rather than avoiding them, you quickly mediate disputes between team members and encourage healthy resolution strategies. Plus, great bosses consider creating a supportive and collaborative work environment.


Develop genuine connections with your employees. Show interest in their professional and personal lives, actively listen to their concerns, and provide support when needed. Show empathy and be responsive to their needs, fostering a positive work culture.

Building rapport and trust will create a positive work environment and boost employee engagement.

3. Support and guidance

What does it mean to provide staff with support and guidance? Great bosses actively participate in their team members’ growth and success by setting goals, offering resources, and providing training and development opportunities.


Create a budget for investing in your employees’ growth and provide continuous learning and development opportunities. Ensure you have the budget to put your staff through training programs, including individual and group education. We all need mentors, and providing mentorship opportunities will ensure if you’re not available, your team have access to someone with work-life experience and wisdom.

You may not have the resources to provide a better work environment when you start out. That’s okay; make some changes now and create a plan for implementing the other requirements over time. Most importantly, communicate with your staff what and how you plan to guide their development.

Supporting your employee’s professional growth shows that you are invested in their success.

4. Empowerment and Delegation

Great bosses avoid micromanagement and instead will delegate tasks that often push their staff outside their comfort zone. Doing so shows they trust their team and have confidence in their ability. Staff need autonomy to make decisions. They won’t always get it right the first time. When staff ask for assistance and feedback from their colleagues and you, you will know you’re a great boss.


Recognise the individual strengths and expertise of your staff and assign projects and assignments that use them. This action promotes a sense of ownership and fosters professional growth. You’ll soon discover which employees can work autonomously and have leadership skills. There are leaders and followers. It pays to know who in your team works best in which role.

5. Recognition and Reward

Giving credit where credit is due is a trait of a great boss. Do you reward based on meritocracy? Fairness is critical to being a great boss. Avoid favouritism and bias.

Some bosses take credit for their team’s success, which is okay as long as the team is aware of the motive and is rewarded in a way that works for them.


Acknowledge and appreciate your employees’ accomplishments. Recognise their hard work and contributions through verbal praise, written notes, or team-wide recognition programs. Additionally, consider implementing a fair and transparent reward system that incentivises high performance and demonstrates your appreciation.

6. Low turnover and high employee satisfaction

A good boss fosters a positive work environment where employees feel valued, motivated, and satisfied. A great boss goes further and promotes work-life balance, provides competitive compensation, and prioritises employee well-being.

Low turnover rates and high employee satisfaction are indicators of effective leadership.


Ask for feedback on team and company culture. Regular check-ins, surveys, or performance evaluations can provide valuable insights into your management style and help you make necessary improvements.

7. Continuous improvement

As a leader, you will answer to a boss or a board of directors. Solicit feedback on your performance. Ensure your business is investing in your development and growth.


Let your boss know investing in you is a win-win situation. The new skills and knowledge you acquire from training programs will be shared with your team. You can lead by example, demonstrating integrity, professionalism, and a strong work ethic.

8. Be a motivator

Great bosses motivate their staff to take calculated risks. Self-fulfilment is achieved when you go beyond what you thought was possible or doable.


Show confidence in your team and let them know it’s okay to take risks as long as they have been planned and have a greater chance of success than failure.

9. Be Strategic

Great managers are not winging it. They are strategists, and with each strategy, they have worked out the challenge and what’s needed to overcome it.


Become a great strategist. Write down every issue you need to address. Create goals and plan how you will achieve them. Reach out to your team to collaborate, making it a team effort.

10. Be human

With AI set to take over a lot of tasks, great bosses realise they have a crucial advantage over a robot leader; they are more relatable.


Be honest with your team. Share some of your outside life with your team and tell them you value leisure time with family and friends.