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Top SEO Trends That Rule 2024

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SEO strategy

The role of SEO in boosting a website’s ranking in search results is indisputable. Yet, not all businesses believe they must invest in ongoing SEO once they’ve optimised their website online.

However, SEO evolves to keep pace with search engine algorithm updates. The SEO carried out when your website was designed is not enough today.

Have you wondered why your SERP (search engine results pages) ranking is dropping or not improving? If yes, it’s time to revise your goals and consider the latest SEO tactics.

Significant SEO Trends

Then, keep reading as we reveal the significant trends that will rule 2023. Let’s take a look!

AI In Search Engine Algorithms Updates

AI will continue to have a more notable influence on SEO. For example, AI has radically transformed the idea of transactions linking online content and people. Further, this transformation will not end anytime soon. Instead, it will take a big turn. With constant AI updates in search engine algorithms, businesses anticipate how things will work from now on and how these AI updates will impact SEO.

The situation is more essential because search engine giant Google announced the changes. SEO specialists speculate that these AI updates are just the beginning of a new era; there will be more to come. Hence, websites must focus on the latest trends for a balanced click-through rate.

Will AI Tools Replace Search Engines?

To delve deeper into how AI tools like ChatGPT can threaten the role of Search Engines and SEO for search, we asked ChatGPT this question:

The Threat of AI to Search

How are AI tools like ChatGPT threatening search engines like Google and Bing?

Here is the answer we edited to provide you with a condensed version.

AI tools like ChatGPT can potentially challenge traditional search engines like Google and Bing in several ways.

User Experience

AI tools offer a more conversational and interactive experience than search engines. With search engines, the user needs to scroll through search results, and accuracy depends on the specific keywords provided by the user, which is time-consuming.

Contextual Understanding

ChatGPT and similar AI models understand and interpret the context of a conversation. Considering the ongoing discussion and previous interactions, they can provide more personalised and relevant responses based on the user’s specific queries.

In contrast, search engines rely primarily on keywords and meta-data to retrieve search results, which may not always accurately capture the user’s intent.

Flexibility and Adaptability

AI tools like ChatGPT have the potential to adapt and learn quickly, improving their performance over time. They can be fine-tuned and trained on specific datasets to cater to particular domains or industries. This flexibility allows them to provide tailored and up-to-date information, making them attractive alternatives to general-purpose search engines.

Natural Language Processing

AI models like ChatGPT excel at understanding and generating human-like text, which enhances their ability to interpret complex queries and provide detailed responses. This capability is precious when dealing with nuanced or ambiguous search queries, where traditional search engines might struggle to deliver accurate results.

However, we liked the ChatGPT response for the glimmer of hope it offered for search engine relevancy.

Search Remains Relevant

AI tools like ChatGPT are not direct replacements for search engines. Search engines still excel in indexing vast amounts of web content and providing a wide range of results for generic queries. Additionally, they have established infrastructures and algorithms for ranking and indexing websites, which AI tools may lack.

Both AI tools and search engines have strengths and weaknesses, but they can coexist by complementing each other’s functionalities.

Phew, SEO will be relevant for some time to come. For more reading on the topic, see FatJoe’s blog post on Google vs. AI.

Migration To Long-Form Content

Businesses have made the shift to long-form content that engages website visitors. High-value information that informs, educates, supports, and, to an extent, entertains audiences will keep them on-site for longer.

Content must be high-quality (not just copied and pasted from ChatGPT).

Also, you must maintain the content’s readability to keep the readers captivated. Try breaking the content into multiple sections for easy understanding. Sub-pointer use or highlighting of crucial points is highly recommended. BusinessBlogs is focused on the above to ensure our articles remain relevant and engaging.

Mobile Reshaping Your SERP Ranking

Since the search engine giant Google included mobile-friendliness in their ranking factor list, drafting layouts suitable for mobile has become extremely important.

Moreover, stats also assert that netizens rely on mobile devices when searching the internet. According to Statista, 90% of internet users access the internet on their smartphones. The fact that this number will increase by 75% in the next five years makes it more crucial to have a mobile-friendly website.

Fortunately, Google lets you look at the insights, making recording the website’s effectiveness easier. Google also provides free tools to check your website’s performance in real time.

Video Content Rules Other Content Forms

The audience is becoming more visual when they access the internet. As a result, the type of content people consume has surged to video content. Wordstream shows that 64% of consumers purchase a product after watching branded social videos.

For example, if you search for a cake recipe, you prefer to see its video on YouTube rather than reading it on Google. This way, the search intent and the method of consuming content have been altered. And with the rise in popularity of apps such as Snapchat, TikTok, Instagram reels, and other social media platforms is a signal that video content will completely take over the conventional written form of content.

Video usage is hugely advantageous as it is seen as a valuable and authoritative source of information. Moreover, these videos are hugely liked by the audience on Facebook and YouTube and adopt the latest Google algorithm changes.

Final Thoughts

The bottom line is that SEO will continue to play a pivotal role in SERPS. Every business needs its website to rank as high as possible with the right audience. SEO assists with positioning the site for the intended audience. Remember, quality visitors who stay online and become customers are better than high volumes of visitor traffic that bounce off the site within a few seconds.

Websites need to be customer-centric. Use Google tools to analyse site visitors and dedicate resources to customer discovery. Give your visitors what they want and need – videos and long-form content.

Stay up to date with SEO – engage experts to get the job done so your site SERPs start going in the right direction – up!