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How to Design and Implement a Social Marketing Campaign

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Do you want to know how to create an effective social marketing campaign for your business?

Social media marketing is a very useful tool now, especially considering that almost everyone uses social media. In the US, 72% of Americans use social media such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram.

With the masses shifting channels, it’s only natural for businesses to follow suit. If you want to create a social media marketing campaign for your business, you came to the right place. In this guide, we’ll give you the right setup process and vital steps for a good social media marketing campaign.

1. Set Goals for Your Marketing Campaign

Before you do anything, you need to have an achievable and realistic goal in sight. Put together a list of short-term and long-term goals. This list will guide you throughout the campaign and the setup process.

If possible, create a social media mission statement. This is a statement that will give you a clear picture of what you plan to do with your social media presence. It also needs to reflect your brand identity, so keep your ideal customer in mind when you write it.

Remember, you don’t need to be present on all the social channels. You only need a social media presence on the ones that matter to you and your audience.

2. Get to Know Your Audience

Research your audience and find out everything there is to know about them. In which networks do they often hang out? What networks have the right demographics that match your ideal customers?

We can’t this emphasize enough: research goes a long way. Having research to back up your decisions is like going into war with the right and complete weapons.

Do your best to gather real-world data. Use analytics and real-world data to base your decisions on. Don’t make any assumptions about your customers, especially if you’re new to social marketing.

Take it a step further by making audience/buyer personas. These are representations based on behavioral data and knowledge from your audience. It allows you to personalize content based on the preferences of audience personas.

3. Get to Know Your Competition 

After you get to know your audience better, it’s time to learn more about your competition. This is a step you must take before you create any content. Know what your competitors are up to first so you know what steps you need to take next.

It’s easy to know what they’re doing. You only need to review their social presence to gain insights into their strategies. If you want to get a closer look, you can use third-party competitor analysis tools as well.

From here, determine how you approach content creation. It’s about finding out what works for them and how you use that knowledge for your social media marketing strategy.

4. Choose a Posting Strategy

Before you make content, you need to know how much and how often you need it. Plan a posting strategy, which includes the type of content, how often, and the amount of content you’ll post. Again, the answers will depend on your audience and your niche.

It’s also a good idea to know what kind of content you want to post. You have choices ranging from videos to ephemeral posts, and short tweets to blog posts. Each content type has its pros and cons, which you need to learn about.

Next, create a content calendar so you know what dates and times to publish your content on your channels. This also helps you plan all your activities on social media. Include simple day-to-day posting and content for social media campaigns.

5. Learn Which Metrics Are the Keys to Your Success 

At this point, it’s easy to feel like you’re ready to create content. However, you’re still missing one thing. You must establish the metrics that’ll define your social marketing campaign’s success.

How will you know your campaign was a success if you don’t know how to measure it? It’s not enough to know how many people pressed the like button of a post. You need a basis of success that can tell you more than that.

The metrics you need to know about include:

  • Reach
  • Clicks
  • Engagement
  • Hashtag performance
  • Organic and paid likes
  • Sentiment

Reach will tell you how far your content spread across social media. The number of clicks on content is vital to understand how users move through a marketing funnel. Engagement tells how many people interacted with your content out of the total reach.

Your hashtag performance lets you know which hashtags were most valuable to audiences. Organic and paid likes are two different things. Knowing the difference will help you budget time and ad spend.

Finally, the sentiment is the measurement of how users reacted to your content. It tells you how people talk about your brand or your content.

Watching out for these metrics can help you figure out your ROI. Read on here to know more about how to track ROI from social media posts.

6. Make and Curate Engaging and Creative Content

Finally, it is time for the step you may be looking forward to. With all the knowledge you’ve gathered and preparations you’ve made, it’s time to create content. For this one, you need to first find your marketing voice and tone.

Give your brand a personality and define its relationship with the consumer. Again, we go back to your mission statement. Use your mission statement as the voice and its implementation as the tone.

Don’t be afraid to take inspiration from other brands, but don’t copy or steal from them. Look for brands that appeal to you on social media. Why do you enjoy their content and how can you do the same for your audiences?

Remember, there are tons of content types you can use for your social media marketing. Don’t forget to add engaging bits and a call to action. Finally, always keep your voice, tone, and style consistent.

7. Look for a Social Media Management Tool

This counts as a final yet optional step. Find a social media management tool to help boost your campaign. Social media management tools do simple and routine actions for you.

This way, you can focus on your business and content creation. Most also have built-in tools like content calendars and post templates. Some also have tools that can help you track, analyze, and optimize your social media campaign.

Design Your Social Marketing Campaign Now

As a final tip, don’t be afraid of making mistakes. Undergoing trial and error is natural and a basic step to success.

That’s it for our guide on how to create a social marketing campaign.

We hope you learned a lot from this guide on how to create a social media campaign. Did you enjoy reading this guide and you want to learn more? To find out more about digital marketing, check out our other guides.