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Creating A Future-Proof Brand Identity

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why choose a simple logo design

Creating a solid and memorable brand identity is crucial to starting a business. It helps you stand out from your competitors and leaves a lasting impression on your customers.

Startups often rush to get a few sales before they establish their brand. However, all businesses must develop a strong foundation and differentiate themselves from competitors.

The first impression of a brand is crucial. It can create trust, credibility, and emotional connections or harm the business.

You want your brand to communicate effectively and lay the groundwork for future growth and success. Creating a memorable brand identity requires clever thinking and creativity. Read on to learn how to work on your brand identity.

Brand Identity Core Elements

A brand identity is equivalent to a person’s personality for a business. It comprises all the unique and recognizable features of a brand. There is the visual aspect of the brand and the customer experience with what they perceive as the brand’s voice and message.

  • Brand Name
  • Logo
  • Tagline or slogan
  • Design – colors, typography, imagery
  • Brand values
  • Brand story
  • Brand experience

Therefore, before you open up to business, invest in a unique branding exercise. The good news is you don’t need to spend a fortune on your brand design with sites that can connect you to creative thinkers and designers with experience in everything from creating a name to a logo design, marketing resources, and more.

Brand Elements Explained

There is more to creating a brand than choosing a name and logo. However, a business usually commences with the brand name.

Brand Name

What’s in a name? Everything. A brand’s name is the name by which it is recognized and remembered. It should be unique, memorable, and reflective of the brand’s values and positioning. Choosing a name that your target customers will remember and ideally turn into a verb is no easy feat. Get help from brand experts.


Simple logos are best – but not the easiest to craft. A visual symbol or mark that represents the brand. The logo should be distinctive and visually appealing, capturing the brand’s essence and creating immediate recognition.


A slogan is a short, catchy phrase that communicates the brand’s unique value proposition or critical message. It helps reinforce brand recall and differentiation. However, you will spend hours, if not days, attempting to develop the perfect slogan for your business. Don’t do it alone—many minds will make the task more fun and accessible.


A defined color palette that represents the brand and evokes certain emotions or associations. Consistent use of colors across all brand assets helps create a cohesive visual identity.

Did you know around half of color-blind people don’t know they have the condition? There are tests you can do, and don’t be alarmed if you have the condition; just avoid being responsible for choosing the color palette for your logo and brand.


The selection and consistent use of fonts and typography styles that align with the brand’s personality and values. Typography is crucial in conveying the brand’s tone and visual identity.

Brand Voice/Tone

The brand uses the personality, style, and tone of communication in its messaging. It includes the choice of language, writing style, and overall voice, which should be aligned with the brand’s positioning and target audience.

Visual Style/Imagery

The overall visual style and imagery associated with the brand, including photography, illustrations, or graphic elements, should be consistent and reinforce the brand’s values and messaging. Don’t stop there if you’ve engaged experts to craft your brand identity. Let the experts also choose the visual style and images for your website, products, and marketing material.

Brand Values

Brand values are the core principles and beliefs that guide the brand’s actions and decision-making. They help establish an emotional connection with the target audience and differentiate the brand from competitors.

Brand Story

The narrative or storytelling element conveys the brand’s history, purpose, and mission. It helps create a connection and builds a deeper understanding of the brand among its audience. Regularly publish content on your business blog that engages your audience and heightens your engagement with them.

Brand Experience

The overall experience and perception of the brand by its customers across various touchpoints. It includes factors such as customer service, packaging, product quality, and interactions with the brand.

Final Words

These elements collectively define a brand’s identity and help shape how it is perceived by its target audience.

Consistency and coherence across these brand elements are crucial to establishing a solid and memorable brand identity that resonates with the audience of customers, advocates, and referrers.