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7 Ways to Improve Security in Your Small Business

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Who would steal from my small-scale company? Size doesn’t matter when it comes to criminal activity, especially when it’s online. Your business is vulnerable to the same threats, i.e. cyberattacks, physical intrusions, and also stealing from within, i.e. rogue workers, as any other organisation.

Hacking, for example, is on the rise and while physical break-ins are decreasing due to preventative measures like security cameras and alarms the threat is always there.

In this article consider the following seven tips to improve the security of your startup, micro or small business.

1) Regulate Access to Your Building

Even if you have family and friends working at your business, you should keep things professional. Do so by regulating access to both the building and its equipment. It doesn’t matter if your employees are trustworthy and honorable people. You should always restrict access to your business’s building and property. This will help determine fault in case security is compromised.

Consider the following ways you can regulate access to your building:

  • Keep track of any keys that are distributed. Distribute as few as possible to employees. Provide keys to areas containing sensitive information sparingly.
  • If you do lose track of your keys, change the locks.
  • Consider getting an automated system that allows entry via a personalized identification card.

2) Invest in Video Surveillance Equipment

Video surveillance, or CCTV, helps you keep an eye on your business. With this type of surveillance system set up, you’ll be able to attend to other matters with peace of mind.

Different CCTV systems come with certain features like two-way audio or infrared LED lights. Depending on the nature of your business, your company may benefit from these specialized features.
Send a message to thieves by getting new reinforced steel or wood doors for your building. These new entrances don’t guarantee complete security, but they do deter potential criminals.

4) Shred Documents Before Throwing Them Out

Don’t allow sensitive information to fall into the wrong hands. Documents like printed communications, invoices, and customer quotes should be appropriately shredded before being disposed of. For an even more secure disposal process, you can place the shredded documents into a recycling bin rather than a trash can.

5) Address Cyber-security

A lot of small businesses don’t have the means to protect themselves from cybersecurity attacks. According to the Small Business Committee, more than 70% of online attacks are directed at small companies.

You can enhance your business’s cybersecurity by:

  • Locking up company laptops for the night.
  • Backing up your data consistently.
  • Securing your Wi-Fi network.
  • Monitoring traffic to your Wi-Fi network.
  • Installing trustworthy software to company computers.
  • Creating a data-storage plan.

6) Talk with Employees

Foster a good relationship with your employees. Get to know them and listen to their needs. Talking with them personally can discourage employee theft.

Offer ongoing training and resources to help your employees keep their workplace safe. Develop a response plan so that your team is prepared in the event of compromised security.

7) Walk Around Your Building Before and After Work

Even with modern doors and video cameras, you should walk around your building before and after work. This helps you develop an idea of what’s normal and what’s out of place. Suspicious patterns to note could include loitering patrons or incoming packages. Inspecting the building twice a day can also help you pinpoint security breaches, like locks that have been tampered with.

By incorporating these 7 tips, you’ll save time, money, and resources. Keep your company safe from online, physical, and internal threats.