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Mastering the Art of Working From Home

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working from home office

There are many reasons why businesses want staff to work from home at least part of the week. If you’re considering a new role that requires you to work from home and this is new for you there’s a lot to consider and set up to make it work for you.

Why do organizations want you to work from home?

When staff spend part or all of the week working from home, businesses can reduce their overheads, such as office space, utilities, and general office supplies.

Additionally, if the company is in an area that requires them to pay commuting subsidies, this overhead is reduced when staff do not all come into the office every work day.

However, while employers can reap benefits from hybrid working, they are not all one-sided, as workers too can enjoy the remote work setup.

Employee satisfaction and happiness are higher with workers who spend part of the working week at home. They have a better work-life balance.

There are also less in-office distractions too so productivity is higher. This is a win-win for the workers and employers.

However, the honeymoon may be short-lived if the remote work setup is inadequate.

1. Creating The Optimum Home Workspace

It’s important to set up a good workspace that allows you to be comfortable and relaxed yet focused and productive. You’ll want a distraction-free environment that allows you to focus on the task at hand and, ideally, a feeling that differentiates your ‘home’ from your ‘home office’.

What is required to achieve the ideal home office setup?

Choose the most appropriate room or area

The first step in setting up your home office is to identify where you can have a dedicated space for work. If it’s a spare room or corner of a living area, you’ll need to get rid of stuff that will distract you. Decluttering the space will give you a blank canvas to create the ideal environment for concentration and productivity.


Working from home can be as detrimental to your physical health as working in the office. You’ll need an ergonomic workstation to overcome poor posture, especially if you are working from a laptop.  Purchase an electric stand-sit desk, as it will allow you to stand and sit throughout the day.

Set up reminders on your smartphone or watch to get you to swap from standing to sitting and back to standing every thirty minutes.  For your work chair, choose the best ergonomic chair you can afford so you can sit for thirty minutes, focussing on your work, not your sore back or neck.

2. Home Tech Set Up

Working from home (WFH) is not just about having somewhere to work; it’s also about having the appropriate tech set up and infrastructure. The organization is responsible for setting up your tech when you’re an employee, as you’ll access their networks and systems remotely.

Remote working requires reliable internet connections, secure hardware and software devices, cybersecurity measures, remote access solutions, and technical support when required.

Internet connection

Did you know your usual home internet speed requirements may not be adequate for WFH? For example, video conferencing and collaboration tools like Microsoft Teams or Slack require a high-speed connection.

Additionally, your employer may require you to back up your devices up to the cloud for security and disaster recovery.  This action may hog your internet plan’s bandwidth.

If you need to change your internet plan so you can work from home and the new plan is more expensive, your employer may agree to pay for it.


That ancient laptop or desktop is unlikely to be sufficient for WFH. You will need hardware with adequate memory and processing power, and the usual peripherals include a mouse, keyboard, monitor, and maybe a docking station.

Additionally, you may need a headset for video conferencing, and if you don’t have a laptop with an integrated webcam, you’ll need one for video meetings.

Who pays for all this new technology? Ask your employer and negotiate a satisfactory outcome. Often, the employer purchases the hardware and equipment for their workers to use at home, e.g., a laptop or monitor. Whatever is owned or leased by the business has to be returned when requested.

Therefore, some devices you will want to own, like the smartphone.


To maximize remote working productivity, various software applications exist for everything from communication and collaboration to workflow management and cloud-based storage like Google Drive, Amazon S3, or OneDrive.

Another consideration while working remotely is secure access to company networks. A VPN is a go-to solution, and with it, you can enable it while you’re working from anywhere, including your home, a cafe, a shared office, an airport terminal, etc.


Your employer needs your devices secure against cyber threats, including malware and viruses. To protect data, you’ll need a firewall and endpoint security.

Your employer’s SOC will manage cybersecurity policies, tools, and responses, including those related to remote working environments.

You need to take other actions, too, including using MFA (multifactor authentication) and managing software and app updates to plug vulnerabilities.

Plus, commit to training and learning about your employer’s security policies and cybersecurity practices like phishing.

3. Create A Routine

Working from home can be both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, your commute is now limited to going from your bedroom to your home office, which has huge convenience benefits. However, commuting to work gives you time to prepare for it.

A morning walk before work can substitute for the commute. You could also start out dressing for work while you’re remote working.

Working from home can be a lonely experience that might, at times, make you feel quite isolated. The most important thing about having a routine is that it provides structure and keeps you focused.


Set the same work hours as required for working in the office. This also means you would set yourself a lunch hour. Remember to leave the ‘office’ at your usual time. Remote workers tend to work longer hours. Consider how this action impacts your work-life balance and overall enjoyment of working from home.


Only enter your home office for work. When you’re in the home office, let your family or housemates know they are not to disturb you.  This discipline will ensure are productive and in the right mindset for your job.

Take micropauses and breaks

Be mindful of your well-being when you’re in front of the computer. Take micro-pauses and physical breaks throughout the day, just like you would in the office. This action is for your physical and mental health.

Leave The Work In The Office

Finally, it pays to leave the work in your home office to make the most of working from home. When your work day ends shut the door to signal the end of it.

If you can do an activity that transitions you from work to your personal life. Going for a run, or exercise class or doing a hobby are great ways to wind down and be refreshed for your personal and home life.