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Four Ways to Encourage Better Productivity From Employees

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employee recognition program

Anybody who owns a business that hires employees should know that without them, they simply wouldn’t be able to get to where they want to be. Maybe you started off as a sole trader and have had to hire people to help you with a growing workload, or maybe your business idea was just so big that you had to have a team of people on hand to help you grow it from the ground up.

Either way, your employees are only human like you, and from time to time you might see their motivation levels slump. The good news is that there is plenty that you can do to get their ‘spark’ back at work and encourage them to reach their best productivity levels once again.

#1. Offer Training and Development:

Research shows that many today’s employees are hungry to go somewhere with their career. And, just like you probably wanted to make sure that your business grew to bigger levels, your employees won’t want to stick around doing the same job, on the same salary forever.

Investing in additional training and development can be a great way to help your employees find their motivation once again. Online learning programs, degree programs, and on-the-job training options can help them improve their skills, learn new ones, and better prepare for any future promotions that might come up.

#2. Encourage a Healthy Lifestyle:

Even if your employees love their job, poor health can quickly affect the workplace, no matter how hard you try not to let it. Encouraging a healthy lifestyle can be a great way to offer additional support to your employees and show that they care.

Use an employee benefits system to enable your workers to choose healthcare packages that work for them, and partner with local gyms and healthcare centers to offer them discounted rates. Ditch the office donuts and biscuits for healthier snacks, and make sure that everybody knows the importance of taking a mental health day if they need to.

#3. Improve Autonomy:

Research has shown that employees given more control over their work tend to be more motivated and productive. If you’ve already hired employees dedicated to your brand and proven themselves to be top performers, you trust that they’ll respect the extra control you give them.

If it’s possible, offering employees the option to work from home can be a great way to do this. Even if they’re in the office for most of the working week, knowing that they can opt to work from home for a day if they feel like it can make a huge difference to how they feel about work, and could help reduce sick days.

#4. Have Some Fun:

Last but not least, don’t be afraid to inject a little fun into the workplace. Implement a ‘chill out zone’ and have a pool table, video games, or board games for your employees to enjoy when they need to wind down. Encouraging regular breaks away from work can help employees return to their desks refreshed and more productive.

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