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How and When to Use Offers to Boost Sales

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Sales, offers and promotions drive traffic and convert browsers into buyers. But knowing when and how to use these tools is important in getting the most out of your time and efforts.

Here’s how you can use special promotions to boost your bottom line.

Weekly or Monthly Offers

Offering weekly or monthly sales can help you meet your revenue goals. This is one of the most common strategies used by businesses to boost sales at the end of the month or quarter.

A surge in sales can help you meet your goals and projections, so make these special promotions a part of your strategy.

Discounts and Promotions for Special Customers

One great way to boost conversions is to offer promotion for special customers.

One example of this Avacare Medical’s Veterans Initiative program is a 5% discount on all medical supplies to veterans and their families. Customers don’t have to jump through hoops to get the discount; they simply provide their military ID number at checkout. The discount is bumped to 10% on Veterans Day.

Offering promotions to certain customers makes them feel special and appreciated.

Abandon Cart Offers

We’ve all spent time browsing an online store, adding things to our carts, and then deciding last minute that we don’t want to make a purchase. About 70% of people abandon their carts, so just about everyone does this.

Some retailers accept the loss or try to change their sales funnel somehow to prevent customers from abandoning their carts.

Others take advantage of the situation by reminding customers about their abandoned items and offering them a discount on their purchase.

There are many abandon cart email services, including:

  • Klaviyo
  • Rejoiner
  • MailChimp

Seasonal Promotions

Holiday promotions are a great way to draw in customers. They’re practically a given for most businesses. Christmas, Black Friday, Cyber Monday and New Years are the biggest ones, but you can also offer promotions for any other holiday you please.

You can also celebrate the end of a season, like the end of summer or fall, by offering special discounts and promotions.

Email Subscription Offers

Building an email list, as you know, is important for any online retailer. But how do you get potential customers to agree to you sending them offers to their inbox? Offer a special promotion or discount for subscribing to your list.

If they’re willing to sign up to get that special discount you’re offering, they’re probably in the buying mindset. And once they’ve subscribed, you can send them offers in the future.

New Customer Offers

First-time shoppers may be apprehensive about taking the dive and buying from your brand. Offering a discount gives them an incentive to buy because they don’t have to pay full price for their order.

A new customer offer is a great way to get people through the door and make the first purchase. Once they’ve made one purchase, they’re more likely to make another if they have a good experience.

Offers and promotions allow you to boost sales and attract new customers. Use these tips to learn how and when to offer these sales to maximize your efforts.