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Tips to Make your Blog SEO Friendly

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Ranking well in search engines is a priority for most businesses, and it all starts with the development of an SEO friendly website.

It’s no secret that only the best SEO friendly pages rank in top position in search engines like Google and Bing. So, how do you get your site ranking better in search? Make sure your site is SEO friendly with an active blog.

In this article, you’ll find tips on how to make your blog SEO friendly, including how to select keywords, the ideal length of a blog article, aka ‘post’ and whether to include links or not. These tips have come from SEO experts, so read on!

Select the Most Effective Keywords

Keywords are the most powerful armour for making content SEO friendly. It is the keywords through which the search engines crawl and rand your page. Therefore, you need to select the keywords for your blog content very wisely. There are several tips you must follow to select keywords:

  • Turn on to social media platforms to pick the most effective keywords. You can find out the frequently used keywords by the users, and you can use the same keywords in your content to make them searchable.
  • To stay ahead of your competition in the search engine rank, focus on your competitions what they are using.
  • Plan and build a list of effective keywords
  • Monitor the rank using some keywords and if they are not effective, then use new keywords.
  • You can also use tools to search for relevant keywords. Tools like Google Trends and SEMrush helps you to find relevant keywords.
  • After you have a list of keywords, plug them into keywords research tools like Google Planner and Moz’s Keyword Explorer.

Use the Keywords in Wisely in the Content

Once you have a list of useful and effective keywords, the next step is to integrate the keywords into the content. You can’t just use the keywords haphazardly in the content. Prepare a plan to use them wisely so that they are easily read by search engines.

Use keywords in the title, heading and subheading, image, content and meta description. However, at the same time, ensure that you don’t spoil the quality of the content.  Make sure keywords are not overused and in the wrong context, which may hinder the quality of the content.

Keep your keyword density around 2% to 4 % in a single post. Rather focus on developing an informative and engaging blog with few keywords to attract readers. Top of mind should always be the quality of your article and that you’re focussed on giving your audience what they need, so they keep returning to your site.

Upload Impressive Content

You can definitely pull readers to your blog through effective SEO, but they can only stay or revisit your blog if they find it interesting and informative. Content is king content is king. Readers look for valuable information from blogs rather than junk. So, you must edit and check all the content that goes online and keep it relevant too. Over time conditions change so, you need to update your content, so it is accurate.

Include Links

All news items, articles and blog posts include links to other resources. Why? Well, it’s important to show your audience where you got your information—only link to information relevant to your post. Remember, your focus should always be your audience first. What is useful to them is what should matter to you more than anything else.

Go for long Posts

Many people believe that short posts are better ranked by search engines. A longer post with more valuable information is actually ranked in the top position by the search engines. So, plan the length of the post wisely. Plan for longer and in-depth blog posts rather than short ones. It has been found that in the top search engine results, the 10th position is occupied by the 400 and fewer words article, whereas the top position is taken by long article or blog posts.

The only drawback about the long article is that readers lose interest while going through a lengthy article. So, you must ensure that the content is scannable and readable. Instead of one long sentence, write two short sentences. And restrict your paragraph to a maximum of 2 to 3 sentences. We don’t want to harp on but remember, quality is better than quantity, so make sure your content is non-repetitive, and it’s engaging. Use interactive content, e.g. videos, and images, where the content calls for it. Also, consider an interactive quiz or online survey. Not only is your longer articles more interesting the data you collect can be used for your next blog topics. 🙂

Consider Tools & Plugins

Google-like tools and plugins a lot and rank those blogs better in the search result. It is recommended to choose the platforms that support the plugins and tools.

Most bloggers go for WordPress nowadays as it uses to use and have a professional look and feel. Moreover, it offers a lot of options for plugins and widgets. It also provides various themes to make your blog more vibrant and impressive. And the best part is that it is available for free. However, you can purchase the advanced platform for better themes and features. Maintaining, uploading and editing content is easy in WordPress like no other.

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