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A Productive Rant About You and SEO

Search engine optimization. It sounds cool, forward-thinking, and necessary. Well, to a large extent, it’s all three of those things. But a lot of business owners seem to be, for lack of a better word, afraid of SEO. They know of it, but only vaguely. Even those who know on some level that SEO may not be as complex as it’s sometimes made out to be are a bit apprehensive when it comes to actually using it.

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Search engine optimization sounds cool, forward-thinking, and necessary. Well, to a large extent, it’s all three of these things.

Now it’s 2020 and while SEO is more user-friendly a lot of business owners probably worry too much about it. The answer to thinking less about SEO is to invest in website performance best practices that deliver results.

For many websites, the solution may be as simple as getting someone else to worry about SEO. There is no quick fix to getting found online, and competition for reputation, domain authority and ranking in search results is big business. SEO agencies can and do deliver excellent results.

You can get hooked into using one service provider when they make immediate tweaks to your website, and you see immediate improvements. However, real SEO is not a quick fix. The best SEO work can often take months to see real gains, and it’s quite laborious. You have to love analytics to get joy from being an SEO specialist.

Many people out there – SEO evangelists, in particular, will try to convince you that SEO is the be-all and end-all of your business success. But this isn’t necessarily the case – there are certain businesses out there that won’t need SEO too much, although this is changing fast as brick and mortar stores or restaurants realise their customers are found online, and so that’s where they need to be too.

But if building a big web presence is important for your business – and this certainly will be the case if you’re running a blog of some sort or are working in eCommerce – then SEO is going to have a huge impact. It could very well be a case of make or break for your website.

Starting to build an SEO campaign for your business may not be as unrealistic as you think it is if you’re prepared to get stuck in and commit to it on an ongoing basis.

When you’re fine with putting your heart and soul into learning all you can about SEO, the ‘doing’ will deliver results. For example, strategies like blogging will reward your site with more visitors. Content marketing is just one strategy, and it is time-consuming, so you may be better off outsourcing your copywriting and blogging strategy to an outreach agency.

Keep a close eye on case studies of successful SEO agencies – and do as they do to get found online.

Whatever route you take, it’s important to have a lot of patience. If you’re planning on learning some of the SEO ropes yourself, then it’s important to understand that this will take time and effort. If you don’t have the time to get the necessary expertise yourself, then an SEO agency could be the solution for you. But know that you’re going to need patience for this route, too – as I said earlier, great SEO can take a while to yield results. But when it does, you’ll wonder how you ever got on without it.

In the meantime it’s never too late to get amongst it with your own style of DIY marketing.