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Simple Things You Can Do To Make Your Client Feel Special

Whether you work in business, in a kitchen or on a shop floor, you will have come across the phrase ‘the customer is always right’. Now, there will be times when you don’t consider this to be strictly true. But, the important thing is that you remember it is a business philosophy. You may not always think that the customer is right, but what you do to turn their experience into a positive one is what matters.

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mergers and acquisitions

Whether you work in business, in a kitchen or on a shop floor, you will have come across the phrase ‘the customer is always right’. Now, there will be times when you don’t consider this to be strictly true. But, the important thing is that you remember it is a business philosophy. You may not always think that the customer is right, but what you do to turn their experience into a positive one is what matters. You may need to grit your teeth somewhat, but providing all goes well, you will have a satisfied and loyal customer at the end of the process. For those dream customers, it is simply a case of retaining them and keeping them interested in your product or service. Appealing to a customers better nature is always going to add a great touch to your service, and you may be remembered because of it.

Have great front of house

Whether you’re a consultancy business or a finance business, it is vital to give your company a good face. Anyone who is dealing with customers either over the phone or face to face must be unanimously known as a ‘people person’. After all, there is nothing worse than going into a meeting with someone and they look like they would rather be anywhere else but there. Always shake hands, be friendly and – cliché but true – smile. Email manner is also nearly as important. Different people have varying opinions on what constitutes a ‘blunt’ email, so it can be difficult to get it right. But implement some basic rules with your time on how to address and sign off emails politely. Most importantly, never get into an altercation over email – it’s always better to speak to the client directly.

Offer freebies

Everyone loves getting something for free. For obvious reasons, we don’t mean dishing out complimentary business services or knocking lots of money off your business for no reason. But, giving a client a gift can be a sure fire way to get them to remember you. Don’t choose anything too lavish, and this will only come at a great cost to you. But gifts such as mouse mats from Dynamic Gift are a practical and thoughtful present that will also promote your brand at the same time. Consider sending them to clients who have used you, or offer them up in gift bags at events or business fairs.

Do a follow up

It may be time consuming, but do you best to follow up with every single one of your clients. A quick phone call won’t take too much time and it really does make it look as though you care. Phone calls are much better than emails in this case as it is very easy for your client to ignore the email. After all, they will be very busy too. But above all else, phone calls are more personal. Make sure you ask them if everything was okay and emphasise how much you enjoyed working with them. It is a thoughtful touch to your service that your client will remember should they need to use you again.