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4 Tips for Attracting the Best Gen Y Candidates

The Gen Y workforce has been called a lot of things – and for good reason; they are an entirely new breed of employee, not only to retain, but attract in the first place. Raised in a much different world than anyone over the age of 30, these candidates are looking for specific company attributes before signing any contract.

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The Gen Y workforce has been called a lot of things – and for good reason; they are an entirely new breed of employee, not only to retain, but attract in the first place. Raised in a much different world than anyone over the age of 30, these candidates are looking for specific company attributes before signing any contract.

Because of this, it’s imperative that you deviate from your standard HR software hiring process, and tailor your tactics to some of these preferences; as a knowledgeable and connected group of new employees, your current strategies may not be enough. From physical office design to job descriptions, consider how you can attract the best that Gen Y has to offer.

Job Descriptions: Transparency

While your business likely aims to be as transparent as possible with current employees, Gen Y candidates are now demanding it from the get-go. However, they aren’t looking for financials and business details, but transparency in the job description.

Experts at suggest, “Millennials will expect this transparency in your job descriptions—they want to know exactly the type of job they’re applying for and if they’re qualified.” Be specific with how many years of experience you’re looking for, what will be done in the position and various benefits you offer.

You’ll also want to consider whether you would accept candidates with personal education/experience, as this is becoming a popular trend in the .com business world especially.

Work/Life Balance: Flexibility

Your Gen Y candidates want flexibility; this is perhaps the area in which they differ greatly from the rest of the workforce. The 40 hour workweek is quickly going out of style, and being able to work from home, jet out of work before the clock hits 5pm, and flex-time hours are much preferred. Consider how you can work this into your company for all employees to ensure everyone gets the work/life balance benefits.

Office Life: Fun

Famous startup offices like Googleplex have all of us drooling, especially the Gen Y workforce. Businesses like Google are so integrated into our lives that it’s impossible not to notice the lavish lifestyle those Google employees are enjoying.

While you don’t need to install a hair salon or doctor’s office, consider making small changes or adding to your current office culture. Bring in new office furniture for lounging or casual meetings, as well as games. Larger office changes could include going cubicle-less, moving to an open space office, or installing windows instead of walls in your conference rooms.

Movement within the Company: Mobility

Finally, Gen Y employees want to have the opportunity to grow. Their ambitions and excitement about entering the world of full-time employment can’t be held down to one position for too long. If you haven’t already, consider instituting a mentor program within your company, or 6-month performance reviews. Frequent feedback is something the Gen Y employees value.

Gen Y employees bring a lot to businesses – their ability to be and stay connected at all times, their knowledge of social media, and desire to make an awesome career are all beneficial to your company. However, finding the right candidates may require you to tailor your hiring tactics a bit. Consider how you can make your business more Gen Y friendly to take advantage of the new generation.

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