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Social Media Circle of Trust (or “Find Out What Customers Are Saying About You”)

Social media is becoming a huge tool for businesses and how they promote their company and brand. Many small businesses are still not using sites like Twitter, Facebook etc. because they don’t think it would benefit them.

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social media

Social media is becoming a huge tool for businesses and how they promote their company and brand. Many small businesses are still not using sites like Twitter, Facebook etc. because they don’t think it would benefit them. But here is why you should get your small business involved with social media:

We live in a social world where customers want to know the people behind the company and who they are buying from.

Large companies are catching on to this and using social media to their advantage especially Southwest Airlines. They communicate with customers on Twitter and Facebook about how they like the new services, flight deals, charges and more. This is huge for them to know what customers are saying about them and they can quickly respond to those who have questions about their company.

Not only is it important to be a “social” business and communicate but you should want to know what others are saying about your business. Whether feedback is good or bad you need to know what is being said about you so you can adjust or learn how to make your business the best it can be. Yes, there are some customers you cannot please but as a whole you should care what is being said and that way you can respond to them instead of just ignoring it. Word of mouth is even bigger today than it was before and social media is where it’s spreading like wildfire.

So if you are not in the “social media circle of trust” you should jump in and get started. Start interacting with others and potential customers for your business. Let them see the personality behind your business and what you stand for. You don’t have to have the flashy page like maybe some others do, start small and build from there. Things are changing quick and if you don’t jump in now you will be playing catch up for quite a while.