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Link Building Ethically And Mistakes To Avoid

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ethical link building

Organisations that want to rank for keywords cannot neglect using ethical strategies to build backlinks in 2024.

Google revealed that quality backlinks are one of the main three ranking factors besides mobile optimisation and high-quality content. Therefore, companies that want to increase search rankings must embrace ethical strategies, focusing on organic link-building.

Moreover, your site could be penalised by Google and other search engines for using unethical or black hat link building. This business blog article will look at building organic links while avoiding mistakes that could damage your domain authority and ranking.

The Power Of Links

Backlinks significantly impact a website’s ranking. Even if SEO experts like Neil Patel highlight it constantly, many small business owners still neglect to give it much thought, let alone investment. What factors might impact search engines consider when ranking web pages? Content and links rank highly as critical indicators in page ranks. Other considerations include domain URL, age, site speed and UX (user experience).

With links being a core measurement, businesses that want to boost their rankings in organic search should invest resources into building organic links.

According to research, 84% of SEO specialists believe link building is paramount for businesses. However, you might think – of course, they’d say that! MOZ says backlinks are a ‘vote of confidence from one site to another. When the site giving the vote of confidence has a high DA – their vote carries more value than a link from a low DA site. Now that it’s pretty clear why organisations should focus on link building, let’s find out how to do it.

Ethical link-building strategies

There is only one way to get ahead in search engine ranking, and that’s with ethical link building, which includes:

  • Link Reclamation
  • Guest posting on blogs
  • Create long-form content
  • Link inserts
  • Internal link building

Link Reclamation

Reclaiming links is an ethical link-building strategy. What you’re doing here is analysing where your site has lost backlinks. The links may be broken or lost when your referring sites are updated. Your task is to approach the sites and request they reinsert the link.

Use Google Seach Engine Console to identify which pages have external links and sites like Ubersuggest, Ahrefs or Semrush to remember the lost links.  Another site to use is LinkChecker Pro, a backlink management tool that diligently examines your backlinks daily and updates whether referring pages are indexed by Google.

Growing your backlinks ethically is a time-consuming but rewarding task.

Guest posting

High-quality guest posting with informative content can help build backlinks. Before producing content, remember that poor quality content can do more harm than good regarding ranking and link building. Search engines appreciate high-quality content, SEO-optimised, long-format, and highly informative. It’s difficult for a publisher to refuse a well-researched article that’s on topic for their site visitors.

Create guides and infographics.

Google’s new algorithm update is focused on helpful content. Google likes long-form content that’s informational – not just for SEO, so focus your efforts on delivering articles beyond usefulness.

Create guides that provide complete details about your industry, and people will share your link and mention your website as a trustworthy resource. As for types of content, you can use infographics as they are visual and dumb down complex data like statistics.

As for the design, the good news is you can download infographic templates and publish them on your website once you’ve created unique content so that other online resources can link to it. Also, be proactive in getting your infographic link on other sites by sending it out in your email newsletter, posting it on your social media profiles and personally contacting other publishers who would find it helpful. Use Google’s free tools to help you market your content ethically.

Link insertions

Much like approaching sites to reinsert a lost link, with the link insertion strategy, you’re also being proactive and reaching out to sites with content you before will improve with a backlink to your article. Publishers are always looking for ways to update their articles to provide their readers with helpful information and show they have researched the content with the inclusion of reference links.

Trending topics

Create content around your niche and hot trends to establish your website’s authority in your sector. It’s a straightforward way to get organic links – however, let’s be honest, there is nothing easy about creating high-quality content. Write about trending subjects that may interest your public and offer news and data that can contribute to providing information about your sector. For example, you can use tools like Ahrefs, Google Alerts, Google Trends, Buzzsumo, and Content Explorer to identify the hottest trends in your industry.

Internal link building

Internal linking enables you to promote less popular pages and gain more visibility and value for them. You know your site and its content better than anyone.

Linking to previous articles and posts prevents repetition or duplicating content. Internal linking to relevant content keeps your visitors on your site longer. Internal linking must be well-thought-out – i.e. don’t link to just any content, as search engines could view this negatively.

Ensure the internal links add value to your articles and site visitors. You will be rewarded with lower bounce rates.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all this information and the effort required to get quality links, consider engaging link-building services to get the right plan and system in place for your site.

Mistakes To Avoid

You will make mistakes because we all do; however, consider how to avoid these common errors.

Mistake 1 – don’t check on-page SEO

Don’t start building new links before you identify and repair on-page SEO. Start by ensuring your target keyword is found on your website so search engines know what it’s about. Then, research your competitors and industry to determine who currently ranks for that keyword.

A link-building agency can provide you with some suggestions on how to boost on-page SEO. If your business lacks in-house content creation expertise, hire a team of experts to create authentic, relevant content written by a human! This strategy will help you get organic links.

Mistake 2 – don’t create linkable content

Organic link building implies leveraging relationships and identifying your target audience’s interest to provide content matching their needs. Create linkable content to capture your audience’s interest and convince publishers to quote your website as a reliable resource. We’ve said this before, but it’s worth repeating – write for your visitors and customers so they link to your content.

Tips for creating linkable content

Follow the leaders

Use a tool like Ahrefs to discover highly-linkable articles and create similar content. Check the Best Pages by Links to identify your competitors’ pages that rank the highest.

Create evergreen content

Before writing on a subject, ensure that other high-authority websites will link back to it, motivating you to create evergreen articles.

Research high-authority resources

Find similar resources and check who’s linking to them. It’s essential to identify backlink opportunities. The best way to do it is by researching the resources that produce similar content to what you want to deliver.

Mistake 3 – you perform inadequate outreach

There is a right and wrong way to approach sites for backlinks. If you use spammy, automated emails in your outreach campaigns, they will impact your brand. BusinessBlogs is constantly approached by reaching emails, and most end up in the trash. Create messages that resonate with the publisher and show your genuine interest in a specific article and expertise.


Link building is an effective way to boost your website’s ranking, but it’s crucial to do it right. Reclamation, guest posting, guides, infographics, link insertions, discussing hot topics and internal link building should help you build ethical links and strengthen your domain rating.

With so much new information to absorb on this topic, take your time to practice each strategy.

Plus, you can upskill through online training and practice or, for a quick solution, hire link-building services or SEO providers to get the right system operational. Failing that, remember when you focus on your expertise and your customers, creating content for their eyes comes naturally.