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4 Ways to Give Your Business the “Wow” Factor

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In the United States, Oberlo reported that there are 30.7 million small businesses, so how do you get yours to stand out?

Your business needs to be unique and offer customers something special they won’t find with your competitors. You want to have the “wow” factor.

Not sure how to get that added edge? We’re here to help you with our top tips.

Outstanding Customer Service

At the forefront of any business should be the customers. Microsoft reported that 96% of consumers stated that client service is a critical factor when choosing the companies they are loyal to.

Customers will come back time and time again when they get what they need or want from you. Their choice of supplier is determined by how they feel about price, customer service and value they get from your business.

Impress your customers by treating them the way you would want to be treated. Ask customers for feedback on your price, service and get them to suggest what other factors play a role in your decision to buy and return often. Respect is an interesting factor that can be misinterpreted.

Showing your customers respect doesn’t mean you need to disrespect your business and its values. You need to have mutual respect for your business and also the customer. You’ll soon grow a loyal following, when you can show consistency, i.e. that you can deliver on price, service, value and so on, every transaction.

Offer Top Products

It’s highly likely that your business is offering something similar to what’s already on the market. That’s fine, but make sure what you’re selling is of the best possible quality. If your products are above and beyond what everyone is selling, buyers have no reason to look elsewhere.

Why stop with what’s on the shelves? Once a person has made a purchase, wrap to impress. People don’t like to waste, but there are plenty of natural and recycled resources available to make whatever they just bought that little bit fancier.

If you’re not sure where to begin, you can find more information online regarding packaging techniques or places to order products from so you can skip on the hard work. Make sure you stamp your brand on whatever you use for some extra marketing.

Know What You’re Talking About

You need to prove that you’re knowledgeable. Customers love it at a restaurant when the waiter can tell them about every plate and drink on the menu. It shows that they’re passionate about their job and want to share it with the world.

Train your employees to do the same, and make sure they’re always there to give out all the information the client requires. Customers will be impressed and are more likely to recommend your company to others.

Keep Things Simple

Ok, we don’t mean cardboard box simple, but don’t try to do too much. When people see a lot going on, it can make it hard for them to focus on something in particular. Customers will also get bored quickly if there’s too much in their way.

Maintain your store or restaurant, so it’s neatly laid out with plenty of space, and your website easy to navigate. If clients can find what they’re after straight away, you’ll stand out, and they’ll be back.

The Bottom Line

When competing with other companies to provide the same products to consumers, your business needs to stand out to remain successful. Give them the “wow” factor by offering the top products along with excellent customer service. These tips will help you to avoid failure in your business.

Show them that you know what you’re talking about and keep things simple for them. By sticking to this advice, you’ll start to see more consumers who remain loyal and a boost in your business.

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