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5 Tips To Improve Your SEO Rankings In 2020

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year 2020

Having an amazing website is absolutely pointless if no one can find it. So, if you rely on search engines to bring potential visitors to your site, SEO should be high on your priority list.

Scoring a link on the first page of search engine results pages is the dream of every business owner. However, search engines, especially Google, tend to update their algorithms regularly. SEO rules and techniques change from time to time. Therefore, you need to keep up with the changes in order to rank well.

So, without further ado, let’s take a look at proven 2020 SEO techniques that will improve your ranking and help you reach the first page.

Top 5 SEO Tips for 2020

1. Use Schema Markup

Structured data adds extra information to your search engine links and improves user experience. Thus, it is one of the major factors of SEO rankings. To add structured data to your website, you will need to use a code that will determine how your structured data will look to Google and other search engines.

The best option is the schema. It offers hundreds of markups for all sorts of purposes, from articles to movie reviews and recipes. For instance, if your website has an FAQ section, you may use schema to incorporate the questions into your Google link. Another good example is review websites that include star ratings into their snippets.

Using schema, you can create rich snippets and include various information to your search engine links. So, the schema will not only help your website rank higher, but it will also make your website more attractive and useful to potential audiences.

2. Create Amazing Content

SEO specialists do not claim that content is the king for no reason. Great content can take your website a long way. In fact, the Google algorithm can recognise relevant, high-quality content and it tends to rank it high on the search results pages. In addition, having interesting, helpful content will increase your chances of getting regular visitors. But how do you create amazing content?

Keep in mind that the primary purpose of online content is to help readers. So, instead of focusing on your own brand, you should write about what your audience needs. Try to guess their problems. Then, create content that they will find helpful and educational.

In addition, make sure your content is engaging and entertaining. Instead of just posting long articles, spice them up with various visuals. For example, you can use images, videos, GIFs, slideshows, or infographics.

Also, your posts should be neat, organised, and easy to read. There are plenty of formatting options that can help you with that. For instance, you can use lists and bullet points, or bold the most important parts of the article.

Moreover, make sure that your paragraphs are short. Big chunks of text are hard to scan, and people tend to avoid them.

3. Invest in Technical and On-Page SEO

Unfortunately, having amazing content is not enough — you also need to make sure that search engines can find it. So, if you’ve decided to take your SEO strategy to the next level, you need to pay attention to both technical and on-page SEO.

Most importantly, make sure that all your pages are easily crawlable and indexable. Your developers should be aware of the SEO basics to achieve this.

As for the other technical SEO strategies, they depend on the state of your website. So, we suggest running a technical SEO audit, and then fixing the issues one by one.

When it comes to on-page SEO, there are many things to keep in mind. First of all, you need to optimise your pages for specific keywords. Once you have defined your keywords, you need to place them in your text strategically. Also, you should include them in the URLs, meta descriptions, and image alt tags.

Other on-page techniques include adding internal and external backlinks, organising your text using headings and title tags, and avoiding keyword stuffing.

4. Improve Page Speed

Let’s face it — people just don’t want to spend ages waiting for the website to load. So, Google has updated its algorithm to suit the users’ needs. Thus, page speed is one of the most important search engine ranking factors. In addition, page speed will not only get you a better rank, but it might also increase conversions. In fact, 40% of online buyers tend to leave the website if the page takes more than three seconds to load.

As you can see, page speed is a pretty big deal. Therefore, you need to find time and resources to improve it. First, make sure that your code is streamlined and clean. If there are any problems with your JavaScript or CSS code, the loading will be quite slow. The best way to improve page speed is to minify unnecessary code.

In addition, instead of compressing and resizing the images through code, make sure that they have the proper size before uploading them. Also, your developers should work on enabling browser caching and reducing server response timing. Finally, you can always consult a Google page speed tool such as Google’s PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix.

5. Work on the Mobile Design

Did you know that nearly 60% of Google searches come from mobile phones? The truth is that mobile devices are far more popular than desktop computers, especially when it comes to search engines. Therefore, Google introduced the mobile-first indexing. This addition to the algorithm gives priority to mobile versions of websites when crawling and indexing pages.

Having a responsive design is now a necessity. So, your designers need to create high-quality user experience on all mobile devices. Also, you need to make sure your mobile page speed is at a high level.

In addition, since the crawling process now starts from the mobile versions, your mobile website needs to have the same content as its desktop counterpart. If your mobile URL differs from the desktop one, you also need to make sure that structured data URLs are updated to the mobile URL.

Bottom Line

Even though rumour has it that SEO is not as important as it used to be, don’t let those stories fool you. With a good SEO strategy, you will get more website traffic and conversions, as well as improve your website’s authority. So, make sure that you follow these SEO tips and be patient. Eventually, you might end up getting that first spot on the SERP.

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