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Project Management Outlook for 2020 and Beyond: Which Project Managers are in High Demand?

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Until recently, the job of project manager didn’t even have its own job designation with the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Despite this, project management jobs have been going (and growing) strong for decades and more importantly, will continue to grow.

According to an article on The Federal Times website, between now and 2020, there will be 1.57 million project management jobs opening up/ available for project management professionals.

In other words, if you’re thinking about getting project management certification, it’ll likely help you land a job. However, if you really want to solidify your chances of getting a project management job, you’ll want to consider looking into jobs in a few specific industries.

1. Information and Publishing

Quite a few steps go into publishing a book. According to The Balance Careers, the process of bringing a manuscript from draft to book form goes something like this. First, you’ll send the book to the editor/s, where they will check for continuity, spelling and grammar errors, and other problem spots. This can take several weeks to several months, depending on what other projects the editor/s have going on.

Next, comes book production. This stage determines how the book looks from cover to cover. Finally, there is marketing and publicity. Someone has to see the process through to completion.

In light of that, it’s no wonder that named the publishing and information sectors as some of the fastest growing ones. There will be 5.5 million new jobs in this sector in the years to come.

2. Manufacturing and Construction

In some areas, construction jobs are rising so quickly that it’s nearly impossible to keep up with the demand. According to Construct Connect, demand for nearly every type of worker will increase by at least 11%, with the demand for some types of workers rising by 13% or more. (And demand for solar photovoltaic installers will grow by an astonishing 105%!)

Unsurprisingly, if you’re drawn to construction and project management, that PMP Course (project management professional course) you took a while back will come in handy and just might land you a job in this sector.

Through the year 2026, the demand for construction project managers is expected to grow by 11%. Nine-point-seven million jobs will open up in this industry in the years to come.

3. Finance and Insurance

Banks and financial institutions are some other industries that will see a significant increase in demand for project managers in the future, to the tune of 4.6 million jobs. The demand for this is due, in part, to the financial crisis in the mid-200s.

Many of the project management professionals in the future will still be dealing with the aftermath of that issue. This industry has some of the highest salaries, too. On average, people doing project management jobs make around 90K a year, with the best-paid ones taking in salaries of 140K to 150K.

Final Thoughts on Project Management Jobs

People who have gotten project management certifications in recent years are entering the job market at just the right time.

Project management jobs are expected to open up in a number of sectors, including banking and finance, construction, and publishing. (Other industries that will see significant project management job growth include management and professional services, oil and gas, and utilities.)

If you’re currently looking into project management as a career, you stand the best chance of getting a job in one of these sectors.

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