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How To Write Interesting Content For Boring Topics

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Writing engaging content on business topics that seem dull or boring can be challenging. It’s a valid reason for not adding content to your business blog. However, all sites must find a way to break through the boredom of some topics and regularly add quality content for Google’s algorithm update.

If you thought the type of content on your site wasn’t important, think again. Google ranks sites with trust – from their authority as an expert with experience. Therefore there is no time to delay your content publishing.

Do you want to take an uninteresting topic and turn it into a powerful piece of writing?

Learn how to research dry topics?

Look for ways to make dull topics more interesting when writing content?

Writing stellar content doesn’t have to be a struggle! You can make even the most tedious subject matter interesting and engaging with the right approach and techniques. Check out this business blog guide on making the most of boring topics and writing captivating articles.

How To Write Content For Boring Topics

It’s time to write content and make it interesting, whatever the topic, and here is how you do it.

  • Research your audience and their interests
  • Find an interesting angle for your content
  • Make an outline for the structure of your writing
  • Use examples and real-life stories to engage the reader
  • Engage the reader with compelling visuals and content design strategies

1. Research Your Audience And Their Interests

The first step to writing about a boring topic is to find out what your target audience enjoys reading and what interests them. To do so, you can look at the content they’re already engaging with — and like or share — on social media sites or read user forums/feedback and comments related to the subject matter. This will help you clearly understand your audience’s interests and behaviors and develop ideas for making a dull topic interesting.

2. Find an Interesting Angle for Your Content

When writing about a boring topic, it’s essential to come up with an interesting and unique angle to make your content stand out. This could mean approaching the subject matter from a different perspective than what’s already out there or providing useful information that other sources don’t cover. Your aim should be to frame your content so that it captivates your readers, even if they initially weren’t interested in the topic.

3. Make an Outline for the Structure of Your Writing

Before you begin writing, it’s important to create an outline that clearly outlines the structure of your paper. This will act as a roadmap and make sure your content flows in a logical order. Also, breaking content into sections helps make the material easier to read. Take your time deciding what should come first and how best to organize your thoughts. Keep it engaging by including anecdotes, quotes, or a story-based approach.

4. Use Examples and Real-Life Stories to Engage the Reader

To animate even the most boring topics, use stories and examples readers can relate to. To make it engaging, dive deep into the details and provide a vivid description or character sketch of whoever is involved in your story. Also, find ways for the reader to connect to what you’re discussing emotionally by including relevant anecdotes that depict situations they may have experienced previously. This will help draw in readers and encourage them to complete their reading.

5. Engage the Reader with Compelling Visuals and Content Design Strategies

Of course, visuals can be used to provide more than just attraction. You can use them to engage your readers and draw attention to certain elements of your piece. Infographics are particularly effective for this strategy since they make complex ideas easier to comprehend.

Additionally, you can add simple visuals like charts, memes, and screenshots, which will allow your important points to stand out, relying less on the creative writing of the piece. Utilizing these strategies with colorful imagery and other design elements adds a dynamic visual effect that can enhance your boring topic content with relative ease.

Avoid Being A Boring Content Writer

There are no boring subjects, just dull, boring content writers. 🙂

When you use your imagination, be creative, and devote some time to research, article and content ideas will come to you and you will have something engaging to write about.

It’s okay if your topic is slightly outside of your direct niche. The most obvious way to attract more viewers is to target a broader audience. For example, writing about office design will not interest everyone, especially most workers. However, writing about office design that’s pet friendly will attract workers who would love to take their dogs to their workplace.

Do a Google search on what related or similar topics are popular (generating links, shares, likes, comments). Then, put an interesting or unique twist on a previously covered topic to improve it.

Find your audience’s questions about your product, service, or niche. Quora and Yahoo! Answers are great platforms to utilize for this type of content research. Then, thoroughly answer all of their questions in a blog post. Include helpful and relevant images, graphics, or videos.

Remember to brainstorm ideas on sites, forums, social media groups, and sites such as Buzzsumo or Reddit.

The best way to avoid being a boring content writer is to do lots of research!

Article Structure

How the article is presented makes a world of difference to your readers, who can share it with their social networks. Plus, you want to ensure

The Catchy Title

Your article’s title must be engaging enough to persuade people to click on it without knowing anything else about your piece. The most popular (well-performing) types of pieces are:

  • Tutorials and “How-to” articles
  • Numbered Lists
  • Ultimate guides and lists
  • Case studies
  • A controversial topic

Leave readers wondering what information you have to share and interested enough to keep reading to find out.

For some niches, such as office cubicles, controversial, super-engaging titles can be difficult to create. So, I try to stick to ultimate guides, lists, and tutorials as much as possible.

The Engaging Content

After you have a topic and the title, it’s time to start writing. Write the main body of the content first, then create an introduction and summary. Remember to include the following in your content:

  • Multimedia (i.e., images, infographics, videos)
  • Stories to make your post relatable
  • Keep your paragraphs short and sweet
  • Include examples
  • Incorporate numbered and bulleted lists, headings, and subheadings
  • Include relevant, factual information and cite trusted sources

Final Thoughts

Creating content for boring topics is easy when you know how to research and focus on your readers first and foremost. It’s about getting your spectacular content in front of the right eyes.

You will likely have to spend more time promoting your content than producing it. Hopefully, you’ve got your business profiles on social media and know how to do the basics of social media and digital marketing. Plus, Moz has a great content promotion guide to help you out.

If your niche is “boring,” make it interesting. You’ll stand out from your competitors who may not have been lucky enough to figure out how to make the topic engaging.