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Content Marketing

Why Is Content Marketing Important for Startup Businesses?

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As the marketplace becomes increasingly digital, businesses face both a problem and an opportunity.

If traditional advertising methods are imported into the digital space, prospective customers will be turned off.

This is partially why, according to Nielsen, the average person stays on a website for less than 20 seconds. 20th-century advertising methods are unsuited to the let century digital marketplace.

While small businesses are certainly aware of this, the low average time a typical user stays on a website shows that this awareness is at best, imperfect.

So, why is content marketing important?

Content is Entertaining

The moment that internet users see something that feels like an ad, they’re likely to turn their backs on your website, taking their money with them.

The solution to this problem is to create content that is helpful or entertaining.

Your business should feel like a friend to your prospective customers, who are still looking for the benefits of your product or service but don’t want to feel like they re being sold.

It’s Educational

Content that highlights your product or service in ways that feel educational or entertaining has a much better chance of converting than content that feels like an ad.

Your prospect usually needs to feel a sense of trust or companionship with you before they’re in the mood to buy from you.

Building this sense of trust and companionship is what your content should be doing and that’s why it’s so vital in your customer acquisition process.

Educational or entertaining has a much better chance of converting than content that feels like an ad.

Beware: It’s a Difficult Task

However, creating content that builds trust or entertains prospects requires a lot of effort. Talking about your company and the product or service you offer is easy.

Talking to prospects in their own language and gaining their trust and companionship requires a lot more effort.

Customer acquisition can take a lot of time away from managing other aspects of your business.

You can streamline content marketing for small business. You can make it far easier for you, creating the engaging, trust-building content that digital shoppers crave while you’re managing your business, confident that your customer acquisition process is solid.

It’s important that you get your online content strategy right, and that you get it right now. Otherwise, you never will, since people have a bad habit of not acting until it’s too late.

Don’t think that you’re an exception.

Understanding Your Audience

Personas are key when it comes to your content marketing, which is a fancy way of saying that you need to know who you’re creating this content for.

Is it aimed at adolescents? Single mothers? A particular political party? You need to know who your content is for in order to figure out what will appeal to them.

Why is Content Marketing Important?

If a tree falls in the forest, but no one is around to see it or hear it, then it is insignificant. This clearly explains why is content marketing important.

You could have a perfect piece of content, but if it doesn’t get in front of people’s eyes, no one’s going to know.

So put your content on social media, promote it in groups you’re active in, and make sure it takes on a life of its own.