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The 3 Ps Blueprint To Boosting Sales Online

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how to grow ecommerce sales

The brutal truth of business is that you can do absolutely everything else right from employing the best people, to providing the most fantastic customer service, and none of it will mean a thing if those sales aren’t happening. That is because sales are the bottom line of businesses success, and you can find out how to boost your online ones below.


The platform that you choose to sell your products or services online is absolutely vital to get right for a number of reasons. The first is reliability. Yes, it may seem like you are getting a better deal if the start-up costs are lower, or the percentage on each purchase that they charge isn’t as high. However, you must always remember to weight this up against the service that your online shopping platform can provide.

Ask yourself are they reliable? What happens when the site goes down, and are the funds from your sales released quickly, or do you have a to wait a long time? Something that can slow down your whole sales system. In fact, some in-depth research like the info this learn how to sell online guide provides can really help you make a smart platform choice. One that you can’t afford to get wrong if you want continuous and profitable sale for your business.


Obviously, the thing that you are selling is also important in terms of gaining sales online. To get this right, you need to come at this from two angles.

The first is that it needs to be of good quality and fit for purpose. Otherwise online reviews that can be reached in a few clicks will put potential customers off before they have even made their purchase.

The second issue is that your products and their packaging need to be as photogenic as possible. That means they need to be designed to look good in pictures on your site and also on social media. The reason being that visuals are a huge way of encouraging customer engagement and getting your brand out there online.


Getting the price of your product wrong, when selling online is a very bad idea. After all, it is pretty easy for anyone to enter the details of an item that they need into Google, and find similar ones to compare the cost. There is even a subcategory of Google that does this exact search.

However, do also bear in mind that your product price doesn’t have to be the lowest to garner you the sale. Many sites show a low price and then charge extra for P&P, but savvy shoppers bear this in mind when they are making their choice.

The reliability and security the company they are buying from is also important to many customers. That means if they have heard your brand name, or the name of the platform you are selling on they will be more likely to buy. This is because they know it’s not a scam, something that you should also factor into your consideration when selling online.