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How Interactive Content Marketing Can Boost Your Marketing Strategy

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Interactive Content Marketing (ICM) actively engages users, so it’s a step up from your usual website content.

Experienced marketers know a big difference between a user visiting a company website and being actively engaged, i.e., taking further action like visiting more pages, providing a comment, or sharing a video blog post.

Today’s content aims to foster deeper customer and user engagement with dynamic, relevant content. Your target audience will willingly engage and give something of themselves, like their email address or more personal data, when there is a reason to do so. With interactive content marketing your business is working harder on its customer discovery.

Studies have shown that engagement is lower when users consume regular content, even if they really enjoy it. To get a higher conversion rate and boost sales, companies need to invest in content marketing approaches that wow visitors, e.g., contests, games, and quizzes.

Greater Engagement

Marketing is about customer discovery and developing relationships with customers. Companies switching from a passive to an interactive content model can significantly improve their CRO, including brand trust, intent to purchase, and net promoter score.

Better Remarketing Targeting

Usually, it takes more than a single visit to your website to get a customer to buy from you. In fact, it often takes multiple exposures to your product/brand to encourage them to finally part with their cash. That’s why remarketing is such a hot topic in marketing circles today.

Remarketing is essentially what it sounds like: marketing your products repeatedly to potential customers as they travel around the internet. Customers are shown banner advertisements on advertising partner websites which remind them of your product and prompt them to buy.

Interactive business content marketing allows you to take remarketing a stage further. Instead of just spamming customers with the same generic banner ads on partner websites, you can use data generated from interactive content on your site to personalize new content for that particular user.

The data shows that more than 80 percent of users want content tailored to their interests. So marketers can use interactive polls to determine their next post and which of their customers should receive email notifications when the content goes live.

Educate Consumers To Win Their Business

Data shows that consumers don’t like being pitched online. Instead, they want to be educated so they can make an informed decision about what to buy. According to the data, around 94 percent of businesses and 69 percent of regular customers research a product before committing.

Interactive content, therefore, can be an excellent way to educate customers and provide them with the information they need while subtly steering them towards buying your products. You can use interactive white papers, videos, infographics, and graphs to teach clients and help them get answers to their questions.

Greater Insights Into Customer Needs

Regular content provides you with a small amount of data about individual users, but interactive content gives you far greater insight.

Often you can find out an enormous amount about your users by getting them to fill out forms about their personality (like a personality test), provide information to an online loan calculator (like their income status or level of savings) or tell you about which of your products they like, and which they don’t. Using this data to build better customer service processes and outcomes.