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Multi-Channel Marketing Must Include Text Messages

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Moving beyond email-only marketing to a multi-channel approach to drive more revenue from existing customers is a powerful strategy for small- to medium-size businesses (SMBs). In fact, for SMBs, targeted, multi-channel marketing is no longer just a good idea, but a necessity for growth.

Marketing messages sent by text have become an important component of a multi-channel mix that works. Text messages are one of the most cost-effective, efficient tools for communicating with customers. According to data from thousands of campaigns executed for its hundreds of SMB clients, marketing automation service provider eRelevance Corp. reports 39 percent of lead conversions across digital channels come from text conversations. While text messages effectively reach customers instantly, when done incorrectly, they can be a reason for contacts to quickly hit delete or even permanently opt out.

Getting It Right (from the Experts)

Understanding best practices is essential to get the most out of any marketing channel. However, for many SMBs using expensive, time-consuming marketing software tools, it’s difficult enough to get marketing campaigns out. Following best practices for optimal results is often not even a consideration. To help clients generate more leads from texting, eRelevance’s marketing experts follow these best practices. The result is quality leads that produce measurable revenue increases.

• Choice is good. Send text messages as a component of a targeted multi-channel marketing strategy. Your customers have preferred channels of communication, so while texting is effective, no one channel is sufficient.

• Get permission. Utilize an opt-in method if you do not have explicit permission to text your contacts for marketing purposes. An opt-in method sends a single text message to ask your clients for permission to text them. If they deny the request, no further text messages should ever be sent.

• Edit your message for effectiveness. Ensure the messages you send are relevant and provide value. Keep them as short as possible so they can be read quickly.

• Disclaimers are important. Include necessary disclaimers such as message and data rates may apply. You don’t want to create any unwelcome surprises. That’s no way to build strong relationships.

• Give them an out. Provide an opt-out option such as text STOP to cancel.

• Do not disturb. Be sure your texts are sent only during normal business hours, and only send text messages once or twice per month. Higher frequency may drive up opt-outs.