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Another example of Internet Marketing BS

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traditional marketing tips

How many email lists are you on?  Over the years, having subscribed to several internet marketing mailing lists to see how low they can go with their sales pitches and gorilla marketing tactics, what’s amazing is that the practice is still alive and well today.

Have you ever wondered why an internet marketer who says they earn millions is selling their “secrets” to wealth?  Is it that they really haven’t made their fortune but plan to sell their fake secrets? Unfortunately, there are many examples of emails that can lead you down a rabbit hole.

Have you seen this strategy?  An email where the content says you have been “VERIFIED” to download something really “important” will help you make loads of money via affiliate marketing or other forms of internet marketing.

That is deceptive marketing at best, i.e. all you need to do is click the link to download this “incredible” thing.  Then you’re told you have been “VERIFIED” personally by Yvonne (a name – but it’s a fake name) – now you’re verified you have been “CONFIRMED” to receive a gift.


So I clicked the link to see what “incredible” gift I have received.  No gift at all, just a redirect to an affiliate’s page and no doubt my personal data is now in the hands of more than one spammer.

Watch out for hooks in emails and online.

If it seems too good to be true – it really is – no, you haven’t won $50,000, nor have you won a car.

You have just given away your email address and any other data you entered into an online form at some stage, and now you’re likely to get spammed.  However, you can take action to stop your inbox from filling up with trash emails – get an excellent Anti-virus internet security app and set it up to protect everything you do online.

Protect your online identity

AVG anti-virus can do a lot for free, and on their paid plan, you get web and computer protection, email and online browsing, hacker protection.  Plus, if you do shop online, you’ll want payments protection too.

It’s easy to drop your guard online and give away your email address – however, stop it.  If in doubt – don’t do it.  It could also be the beginning of identity fraud – and who wants their identity stolen?  Hackers will stop at nothing to gain from your online vulnerability.

See this article on what to do to stop hackers from stealing your online identity.