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How Effective is Facebook’s Post Promote Feature?

My advice to small business owners who are thinking of using the ‘Promote’ feature is to only promote posts that link to content on your website.

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In one word – Very.

But like all great services it costs a fair amount of dollars to run and maintain. has a Facebook Page and it receives a reasonable amount of activity of late but we decided to try out the new ‘Promote’ feature which is offered for each post you submit on your Facebook page.

The chart below shows the time we started using the ‘Promote’ feature on our Facebook Page and the time we stopped using it. Before the lines were mostly flat-lined.

The ‘Promote’ feature is very easy to use and offers you a daily budget based on the number of existing fans you have for your page. Once you select your budget the post will appear prominently within the streams of your current fans.

We set our total budget at $500 USD for this experiment with the goal of increasing the level of engagement on the page with our fans.

The results were very good – the engagement on the page exploded. From memory we promoted about 10 posts overall and selected the top budget with normally came in at $15-20 USD per day.

What was a complete surprise to us was the ease at which you could promote a post – 3 clicks and you were burning through the cash! We quickly burned through the $500 USD in less than a fortnight and I became completely addicted to the amount of likes we received for each promoted post!

My advice to small business owners who are thinking of using the ‘Promote’ feature is to only promote posts that link to content on your website.

Your website should have several sales funnels running to capture your visitors details via email subscription services at the very least.

On we have several sales funnels running aimed at subscribing visitors to our free eBooks and newsletters using our social media campaign management tools. We don’t sell any product/services so traffic is our main goal.

One final bit of advice is to get someone who can manage the budget with an iron fist. If you are the type of person (like me) that loves to see the likes growing on your posts then the ‘Promote’ feature can get you into a lot of trouble with the finances.