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Are you allergic to hard work?

The dictionary defines hard-working as a person tending to work with energy and commitment; diligent. So what is hard work in the business world? I’m going to take aim at this from the perspective of business owners and the people who are responsible for growth within companies. In case you’re not sure of who is responsible for growth, it’s the people in marketing and sales.

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The dictionary defines hard-working as a person tending to work with energy and commitment; diligent.

So what is hard work in the business world?

I’m going to take aim at this from the perspective of business owners and the people who are responsible for growth within companies. In case you’re not sure of who is responsible for growth, it’s the people in marketing and sales.

In keeping with my systematic approach to growing companies I will pinpoint handwork in the four core disciplines that I base growth around.

You must work hard to attract new prospects for your products and services. You must work hard at converting your prospects into paying clients. You must work hard at expanding your current client relationships. Last but not least, you must work hard at executing your people plan to get the right people in your company.

So why work hard at these disciplines?

This requires me to ask you one question. Do you believe in your products or services? If you answered yes to that question, then I believe it’s your duty to work hard and help others. If you answered no, go start a new company, or find a new company to work for.

You must help others to understand why your company is the best choice to help them achieve their goals. You must help others to come to decisions faster and with better information. You must help others realize all the ways you can help them use your products and services even more effectively than they have in the past. And you must help the right people find the best company, where they can make their biggest contribution to society.

We need great companies to help us stay at the top our game as a country. That means doing the hard work to become the dominant player in your industry, your city, and for your clients.

So how do you work hard at growth?

When you are attracting new prospects you must work hard at identifying problems your target market is experiencing. This means talking and listening to existing clients about the biggest problems they face that caused them to start working with you.

You must work hard at identifying your “Best Fit” target market. These are the people that you can most effectively help, and the people looking for your help.

You must work hard at identifying the right marketing channels to reach your target market. You will want to use enough marketing channels so that the maximum number of prospects can receive your message.

You must work hard to pay attention to the results and cost of your marketing attraction efforts. It is your duty to maintain maximum profitability within your company. To not be profitable is a lack of responsibility on your part. When you are profitable you are able to help the maximum number of people.

You must work hard at converting your prospects into paying clients. By working hard to understand the specific challenges and goals of your prospects you can help them make more educated decisions faster.

You must work hard to understand your prospects buying criteria. When you understand the must have’s and nice to have’s, you will help them make better decisions.

You must also work hard to understand the cost of their problems and goals. This understanding helps them make the right investment decision to fix their problems and achieve their goals.

You must work hard expanding your current client relationships. This means going to spend time on a regular basis to learn about every aspect of their businesses. The more you know and understand about your clients business, the more effectively you will be able to prescribe the “Best Fit” solutions for them.

You must work hard at finding the “Best Fit” employees to work in your company. There are so many people who could be having a more fulfilling career if they were only with the right company. By working hard to recruit, interview, and hire the “Best Fit” people, you will achieve your goals faster.

The reason most people are allergic to hard work is because it’s hard work. This can be a differentiator for you and your company because the majority of your competitors have this allergy.

Now – go forth and conquer, and take action today.