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Managed Link Building: An Idea Whose Time Might Have Come For You

There’s no question about it, managing a website’s links has gotten so complex and time consuming that many do-it-yourself e-trepreneurs have discovered that doing it properly requires stealing badly needed time and attention from the income-generating part of their business.

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business workers

There’s no question about it, managing a website’s links has gotten so complex and time consuming that many do-it-yourself e-trepreneurs have discovered that doing it properly requires stealing badly needed time and attention from the income-generating part of their business.

Finding and contacting prospective link partners and strategizing to obtain backlinks, formatting and publishing new links, tracking and verifying old ones, removing the dead ones and evaluating those that are left for their positive or negative impact on constantly changing search engine algorithms is immensely more difficult than it used to be just a few short years ago.

And yet the damnable thing is that a site without links is almost certainly going to be a site without any search-engine presence. A site with zero to one page rank and an impossible-to-find return position.

True, mining for links has always been about as much fun as digging for coal. That’s why a good link- management program like LinksManager has been so successful and widely used for more than a decade. It takes the mechanical, repetitive, hour-burning aspects of acquiring and managing links off a webmaster’s back while leaving him in complete charge of making the editorial decisions necessary to maintain search-engine compliance.

Today, however, even that isn’t enough help for many website owners. Part of the problem is that every revision of the search engines’ guidelines makes it more difficult for a non-specialist to recognize the difference between potent return-position enhancing links and average links.

An even more powerful factor overwhelming many “mom-and-pop” site owners trying to stay on top of their linking program is the state of the economy. Make no mistake about it, the major victims of the current depression have been small business owners. Unlike the investment bankers, insurance companies and auto makers they’d didn’t – and don’t – have an Uncle Sam to bail them out. Their Uncle Sam, in fact, appears to have died sometime in the last millennia.

How this has affected many home office website operators is simple, they’ve had to stop working their online businesses full time and take day jobs.

Would you like to guess what the one thing a part-time webmaster with an e-business to run and a day job to go to doesn’t have? You’re right. What he doesn’t have is time to create and manage the kind of linking program needed to build his traffic and search-engine return position to the point where he can kiss the day job goodbye.

Which makes managed link building one of the hottest, fasting growing services in the webmaster universe.

As pioneered by LinksManager spinoff, managed link building completely removes the fear, uncertainty, doubt and time commitment from the linking equation.

For a nominal monthly fee, managed link builders create and format all your link pages, categories and subcategories, seek out and acquire relevant, productive backlinks to your site, find and validate appropriate link exchange link partners, add the new links to your site organically at the optimal rate specified in the search-engine guidelines, and constantly monitor your links to remove those from sites which have gone dead or changed in a manner that would render the link non-relevant or inappropriate.

All you have to do is enjoy the steady, gradual increase in your site traffic and search-engine rank that comes from having a powerful, professionally managed link presence. Oh, you also could look at the monthly report that companies like ManagedLinkBuilding send their clients, but that’s optional.

Managed link building.

Do you need it?

Probably not if you’ve got four or five years experience as a search-engine optimizer and link building specialist.

Otherwise, it might very well be a great idea whose time has come for you and your website.