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How To Leave A Lasting Impression During Networking Events

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Networking event

Networking events are an integral part of the modern business world. These events open up opportunities for businesspeople to establish connections with professionals in their field, build relationships, and learn from each other. And to make the most of these events, leaving a lasting impression on whoever you meet is crucial.

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to making a lasting impression at a networking event, but this article has several tips and tricks to help you make the most out of the experience.

Understanding Networking Events

Networking events are gatherings of people with a common interest or profession. They are typically organized by a company, organization, or individual, allowing attendees to meet, greet, and exchange ideas or services.

Before exchanging ideas, you must introduce yourself and what you do. You only have one shot more often, so you want to make yourself memorable.

A virtual business card will come in handy with a few minutes of talk and a room full of people to interact with. These QR-powered cards are the most effective ways to share your information instantly and connect with prospects while still impressing them.

For starters, using a virtual business card tells you you’re up to date with technology, which is a quality worth boasting about. Secondly, your networks are left with the card for future reference, making it easy to contact you. There are other ways to leave a lasting impression in a networking event. Below is a detailed discussion.

Step One: Preparing For A Networking Event

Leaving a lasting impression at a networking event starts with proper preparation. Here’s how you do it.

Research The Event

Researching the event beforehand is critical to making the most out of the experience. Find out who will attend, what topics to discuss, and what environment the event will have. It will help you plan your strategy and determine who you want to connect with.

Dress Appropriately

It’s important to dress appropriately for the event. Make sure that you’re well-groomed and professionally dressed. If unsure of the dress code, err on caution and opt for more formal attire. It will help you make an excellent first impression and show that you take the event seriously.

Have A Goal In Mind

Before attending the event, ask yourself what you hope to get out of it. Do you want to gain more knowledge about the industry? Make connections with potential employers?

Have a goal in mind, and ensure you come prepared with questions and conversation starters. It will help you initiate conversations better and show that you’re prepared and interested in the event.

If you’re ready and have the right mindset, you can make the most of networking events and make lasting connections.

Step Two: Be Memorable

It’s time to give your best shot when everything’s planned out. Below are ways to make a mark in the minds of the people you will interact with in a networking event.

Have A Memorable Introduction

A memorable introduction is one of the best ways to leave a lasting impression during networking events. Establishing yourself as someone confident and capable of handling any situation is critical. Having a well-crafted introduction can do this for you.

When introducing yourself, be confident. You want to come across as someone who knows what they are doing. Being confident will make you more memorable. It will help to make sure people remember you after the event.

It would help if you also were friendly and engaging without being overbearing. It would also be beneficial if you gave people enough time to respond to your introduction and listen to what they had to say. It demonstrates professionalism, an excellent trait to show in these events.

Use A Virtual Business Card

After verbally introducing yourself, go the extra mile and share your digital business card. A digital business card is a unique and modern way to present yourself. It can contain your name, contact information, job title, and a brief description of yourself.

Digital business cards make it easier for people to remember you after the event. They can easily be shared or exchanged, helping you build relationships with potential customers or partners.

When creating a digital business card, make sure it stands out. You want to make sure it looks professional yet still expresses your personality. You can include a photograph, logo, or other artwork to make it stand out.

Ask Questions And Listen

Another key to making a lasting impression during networking events is asking questions and listening.

Asking questions is crucial in networking because it shows that you value the other party and care about what they say. It also allows you to learn more about the other person, which can help establish a connection.

Additionally, asking questions will allow you to identify common interests or goals that you can use to further the conversation. There is a popular saying: Seek first to understand, then to be understood.  But be mindful of the other person’s time and ensure that your questions are relevant to the other person’s field, career, or interests.

Avoid asking questions that are too personal or probing. Such questions can make the other person uncomfortable.

Additionally, ensure you listen carefully to the answers rather than just asking questions to fill the silence.

Listening is crucial to networking; it is a key skill in any social situation.

There are two types of listening, i.e., passive and active.  Making sure you’re actively listening allows you to understand the other person’s needs, interests, and goals, which can be helpful information when building relationships.

Give the other party your complete attention and avoid juggling too many things at a time or letting your attention wander to your phone or other individuals. Give verbal clues like ‘uh-huh’ or ‘I see’ and maintain eye contact to demonstrate your attentiveness.

Asking questions and listening are essential for making a good impression during networking events. It will help you connect with the other person and demonstrate your genuine interest in them.

Having a confident and memorable introduction and coupling it with a virtual business card leaves a good impression on your prospective networks. Doing these two and finally being attentive by asking questions and listening are the most active steps in making a lasting impression in networking events.

Step 3: Follow Up

Once the networking event is over, it’s wise to follow up with the contacts you’ve made. It is one of the best ways to leave a lasting impression and ensure your networking event is successful. It also allows you to continue the conversation and build relationships with the people you’ve met at the event.

Use the following tips to leave a lasting impression even after networking events.

1. Send A Thank You Note

After the event, you must thank your new contacts and show appreciation. Sending a thank you note is one way to do this. It’s also a great way to keep the conversation going and shows that you care about the people you’ve met.

2. Connect On Social Media

Social media is a reliable tool for staying in touch with people and establishing a connection. Follow them on major social media sites and engage with them regularly.

3. Set Up A Meeting

Sometimes, it’s best to keep the conversation going in person. Set up a time to meet with the people you’ve met at the networking event. Doing so helps you establish a more meaningful connection and build trust. Inviting them to an event is also a great way to stay connected and continue the conversation. It also shows your appreciation for their time and efforts.

It’s best to stay in touch with the people you’ve met at the networking event. Make sure to follow up with them regularly and keep the conversation going. It will show that you value the connection and want to continue the relationship.


Networking events are an essential part of the modern business world. While you can connect to them via video conferencing, you’ll get much more value by attending them in person.

Networking events are perfect for startups, owners of small businesses, and marketing and sales professionals. If you’re seeking a career move or just want to connect with some of your peers, making connections and building relationships will help you advance your career and benefit your business.

When attending a networking event, it can be challenging to make an impression that will last, but it is possible. Following these tips will ensure you connect with the right people and learn how other businesses perform in your industry.