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Demand For Offshoring Big Data Development Teams

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Do you want to hire Big Data experts like developers or architects? If you do, it’s a smart move, with Big Data now integral to improving operations, sales, customer service, and more.

What Is Big Data?

“Big Data” is data masses too complex or too large for traditional data processing. We often use the term when we refer to predictive analytics or ways of extracting value from data.

According to recent Statista research, by 2025, annual revenue from the global big data analytics market is forecasted to exceed 68 billion U.S. dollars, with part of the revenue coming from the advanced and predictive analytics software segment. This segment uses predictive modeling to analyze historical data and helps make business outcomes predictable through data mining.

Big Data is only growing, and any organization that works with large data sets, including banks, tech firms, payment solutions, and retailers, will need the services of big data architects at some point to stay competitive.

This business blog article looks at the reasons to hire big data architects and developers, plus how to do so offshore. We know there is a lot of demand for big data experts, and there are many roles and titles, from data scientists to data analysts, so it’s easy to get confused about what type of expert you need in your business. For example, a data analyst uses tools to analyze existing data. On the other hand, a data scientist is responsible for finding ways to capture new data.

Big Data Roles

business workers

There are many roles in big data today, including:

  • Data architects
  • Security engineers
  • Data analysts
  • Data scientists
  • Database managers

Big Data developers

When you hire big data developer teams, they can oversee the full life-cycle of a Hadoop solution, including designing the architecture you’ll need to use. They’ll also test and deploy the solution.

Other big data developers will help you identify data gaps, build new data pipelines or provide solutions with advanced analytical capabilities and enriched data to support your expertise.

Most companies hire big data programmer teams to:

1. Save time and money

Big data analytics can help companies optimize their business by identifying areas that make the most profit and cutting areas leading to financial losses.

2. Reduce risks

Big data can be used in a predictive way so companies can identify and prevent upcoming risks.

3. Make better decisions

Companies that use big data architects have more significant insights and can make better decisions. The more you know, the better off you’ll be.

4. Build better products

Businesses can gain a better understanding of their customer needs through big data analytics, which can help them tailor-make or customize their products to meet the needs of their customers.

5. Greater innovation

The teams can get more insight into customer needs, which will help them create products that are more desirable to consumers. Of course, finding good big data architects is easier said than done.


Companies worldwide are constantly trying to recruit big data developers for their own interests, and competition is stiff. The easiest way to overcome this issue is to consider offshoring and hiring a team of developers in another country.

For example, Apple deals with huge volumes of code for the IOS and software programs. Thus, quite logically, it offers remote positions for employees that work on overseas software development projects. Cisco Systems, Nielsen, and Mozilla are listing remote work and remote hiring as part of their strategy, offering full-time, part-time, and remote job positions.

Top offshoring destinations for big data development

Some of the best countries for using freelancers and third-party development teams, including big data experts, include the USA, France, and more.

1. Ukraine

The current conflict in Ukraine has been devastating, but the IT sector is still going strong. Despite recent challenges, Ukraine remains one of the top offshoring destinations in the world. Their developers are highly skilled, the infrastructure is solid, and the time zone differences favor the rest of Europe and parts of the US. While English isn’t commonly spoken in Ukraine, about 80% of the developer community is fluent – it’s part of their training.

2. India

India has long been a solid hub for offshoring and one of the first nations in the developing world to push IT training and infrastructure as a competitive advantage. The Indian population can speak English, and they are highly trained and culturally a good fit for many European companies. However, the time zone difference has been an issue, and many other countries are outpacing India. Still, you can find solid and skilled big data developers in India.

3. Vietnam

Vietnam has skilled Big Data developers with a good work ethic and solid English proficiency. Culturally, they understand American life and can get along well with their coworkers. The time zone is well-suited to the United States.

4. Poland

Despite ongoing European tension, Poland is still a good option for your IT offshoring needs. English proficiency isn’t as strong as in other Western European nations, but you’ll be able to communicate efficiently among IT professionals. Developers in Poland charge slightly more than those in Ukraine, but it’s still a very affordable option.

5. Colombia

Colombia is one of the newer players in the offshoring game, but they are becoming prevalent as developers are eager to upskill and prove their worth. The time zone is relatively easy for the US and others to overcome, English communication skills are good, and there is an excellent cultural fit.

6. Zimbabwe

This South African nation has had its share of difficulties, but many young developers have had experience working for US and UK firms based in Zimbabwe. Many of these developers were educated in South Africa, have solid developer skills, and are fluent in English, the country’s official language. The only downside is infrastructure, which can be a little unreliable.

7. China

China is a popular destination for offshoring, although the COVID-19 pandemic has hampered their productivity somewhat. If you opt for Chinese developers, remember that travel and Internet restrictions exist. Most developers get around this using VPNs, but this is illegal, and you could get in trouble. Other nations are concerned about government surveillance. Make sure you research carefully and discuss your options with the offshoring destination if you go this route.

8. Kenya

Kenya’s young “leopards” refer to innovation hubs all over the country. Kenya is known for their innovative technology, particularly in mobile app development. Following the success of many tech solutions in fintech and mobile healthcare, international markets scramble to work with Kenyan developers proficient in English, friendly, and bright.

9. Ireland

Ireland is a popular offshoring destination. The country has improved its IT infrastructure considerably, and many British developers moved there after Brexit. While their skills are in hot demand, Irish developers command much higher prices than other countries on this list. However, if you are in the UK, the timezone is perfect for you, and you can easily visit your team in person!

Summing Up

Big Data is central to improvement and growth in all areas of business. Securing big data experts like architects and developers has seen growth in offshoring, and many countries are keen to provide their skilled talent. Now all you need to do is decide from which country your business will get its next big data development team.