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Key Advantages of Embracing Hybrid and Remote Work

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working remotely

Do businesses still feel threatened by remote working? Maybe. It’s easy to see why so many business owners oppose remote work. To these individuals, reporting to an office is a crucial part of the work experience, and working from home is conducive to procrastination and loss of focus.

While this line of thought is somewhat understandable, the facts tell a different story. In fact, a recent Stanford University study reveals that remote work has been linked to a 13% increase in worker efficiency.

Hybrid and Remote Working Benefits to Business

Business owners who are still on the fence about hybrid and remote work would do well to consider the following perks.

Decreased Employee Stress Levels

Commuting stress can be a significant factor in why your employee is always tired and exhausted. Imagine spending hours in soul-sucking traffic every day. If your employees aren’t in top form, they won’t be able to deliver optimum performance.

By reducing some of their stress, you can give your staff what they need to improve their work productivity.

It’s no secret that working can be a tremendously stressful experience.

While much worker stress can be linked to heavy workloads and excessive hours, a fair amount of it is attributable to operating on one’s employer’s schedule.

Most people working traditional office jobs must get up at uncomfortable early hours, brave frustrating commutes, and navigate interoffice politics, among other cumbersome tasks.

Conversely, working from home allows people to enjoy healthier sleep schedules and attend to their job duties in a fully relaxed setting.

Fewer Sick Days

Stress can also cause your staff to be often sick. The Work Institute says unscheduled absenteeism in the U.S. costs employers about $3,600 per employee every year. Those are wasted funds that could have gone elsewhere.

Additionally, while many remote workers still regularly interact with their bosses and colleagues, not being physically present can offset much of the stress created by internal cliques and power struggles.

We exist in a “work or die” culture that stresses that if people aren’t constantly running themselves ragged, they’re not working hard enough. Unsurprisingly, this mindset is highly conducive to stress, anxiety, and depression.

Although performing one’s job duties from home won’t eliminate this stress entirely, it can dramatically diminish stress levels and make the overall work experience seem considerably more manageable.

Increased Employee Loyalty

Many members of the workforce feel undervalued by their respective employers.

If one of your team members doesn’t feel their efforts are recognized or appreciated, they will likely jump at the chance to pursue other opportunities.

After all, if you don’t show loyalty to your workers, there’s no reason to expect them to show it to you.

Additionally, if there aren’t any real perks associated with staying with your enterprise, it’s only natural that your team members would seek out new employers.

Conversely, providing employees with the option to work from home is a great way to increase worker retention.

For example, even if offered a better-paying position elsewhere, certain employees may be hesitant to accept if telecommuting isn’t an option.

Since working from home provides people with an enviable degree of flexibility, they’re unlikely to give up remote work once they’ve tasted it.

Furthermore, some workforce members are quitting their old jobs instead of returning to the office full-time. The better you treat your employees, the more apt they’ll stick with your enterprise through thick and thin.

Fortune says Americans are all too willing to take as much as an 8 per cent pay cut if it meant they could work from home. Employees ultimately see the option as a sign on the plus column, especially for families and young parents trying to raise their kids and spend as much time with them as possible.

Work-from-home arrangements allow employees to manage their schedules, control their work hours, and experience a better work-life balance.

Reduced Operational Expenses

Embracing remote work can also be a boon to your financial bottom line. The fewer people working in your office, the less you’ll need to spend on utilities, refreshments, and assorted work supplies.

Additionally, if many of your team members are interested in telecommuting full-time, you may even want to consider renting out a smaller office space. After all, if most of your staff prefers to work from home, there’s no sense in spending a small fortune to rent a larger workspace than you require.

To get a good sense of how much money remote work can save your business, enlist the aid of some high-quality business analysis tools.

More Productive

Less stress and sickness mean your employees are better positioned to work. They can perform better, go the extra mile, and achieve optimum performance goals. If you think the long commutes are starting to affect your team, this is one way you could lighten the load and help them improve their work performance.

Larger Talent Pool

Companies are often only as good as the employees they have on board. That’s why you shouldn’t settle for talents who might be less of a fit. With video conferencing, you can efficiently interview, hire and manage offsite skills from anywhere—no need to worry about compromising your hiring goals and standards any more.

You’d Be Happier

If your team is happy, then you are as well. With better tools, running a company or startup doesn’t have to take up all hours of your day. So could you if your staff can enjoy a better balance between work and life.