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What Can Web Analytics Really Do For Your Business?

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Is Web Analytics really useful in growing a business?

Well, what we do know is every business needs customers and a robust marketing strategy, driven by data to attract them.

Leveraging web analytics to its fullest potential should drive your marketing, SEO and sales strategies.

Is Web Analytics Too Complex?

Like all things, particularly with data mining systems, there is the initial learning curve to on top of what may appear complex. Once you understand the basics, there are web analytics applications that can deliver the right output that when put to fair use can do wonders for the long-term success of your business.

Using Web Analytics In Your Business

To get the most out of the data, consider these how it can be useful in areas of your business.

Deeper Than Data

Web analytics is indeed going to help “track your revenue, offers sold, subscription metrics, and more” as Kajabi points out, but there’s more a business can obtain from this data. For example, when you pay attention to the data, you’ll maybe for the first time, notice the reasons for the metrics. Perhaps your marketing has not reached it’s intended audience, or it has, but the message has been off-topic and not relevant.

In essence, web analytics will help your business figure out who is your current audience, i.e. website visitors and if they are who you thought your marketing campaigns were targeting. Plus the data will confirm more detail on your customer base. Understanding the metrics makes it easier to manage and use the data to plan out your next steps.

Marketing Strategy

There is a saying ‘keep taking the same, and you’re sure to get the same result’. When your marketing strategy works, there may be no need to change it, but if you see a drop in conversion or it’s never really lived up to your expectations, then change is inevitable.

Before rushing in, take a step back from your marketing and sales campaigns. Use web analytics to form a clear picture of what is working and what is not.

Your next step is to dig deeper into the makeup of your target customer and then revise your marketing strategy, the channels you’re using and also the message to get a better outcome.

Web analytics will only be useful in helping your business reach more customers if you use it.

Do you know where all your traffic is coming from and the action they took on your site? Ignorance is not bliss, know your site statistics and use them to work out where to invest your time and resources. For example, if what you’re doing on LinkedIn is bring in high-value visitors, you’ll want to invest more in that channel.

Browsers and Platforms

There are many platforms, screens, and browsers out there. You’ve got different search engines, different screen resolutions, different screen sizes like smartphones and tablets. Web analytics shows what screens, platforms, and browsers are mostly used on your page.

At first, business owners might not know why this is important, but it can be invaluable. For example, if you see a lot of people are visiting your page with a smartphone, then you can make sure your site is optimized for those visitors. If you notice that most of your visitors use a specific browser, you can start to optimize your site for them. This only ends up improving user experience, which helps create even more loyalty.


Earlier, we alluded to going deeper in understanding your customer and website visitor and this information is known as demographics.

With it, you can learn where these folks are from, their ages, and whether most of them are male or female.  The information can then be put to good use insofar as when you know your customer, you’ll realise what you need to do to your site to attract them.

For example, most site visits are via keyword searches in google, therefore, your strategy to attract the right demography will be to regularly add high-value relevant content on your blog.  You can also proactively share it in social media and email marketing to increase your inbound traffic.

The more you learn about the demographics of your customer the more confidence you’ll have to try new strategies and to reach out to new markets that may include specific countries or regions where you can grow your market share.

You could also figure out what kind of products or services to offer next if you think it might satisfy the folks who visit your site the most. For example, if women visit your site more than men, then go ahead and offer items or services you think they’ll appreciate.


There is so much to gain from web analytics, and it’s never too late to get started. Learn as much as you can and also use the experts to take it to the next level.

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