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Is Cloud Computing Right for Your Business?

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The global cloud computing market is projected to grow by a CAGR of 18.6% to $760.98 billion by 2027. Cloud computing is undoubtedly the next giant in enterprise technology. While cloud computing is not new, most organizations have not incorporated it into their IT infrastructure until recently.

Cloud computing is gaining popularity as more businesses make this primary switch for their data storage. It’s no brainer that cloud computing has significant benefits in a firm’s IT process. However, you don’t want to rush this decision.

Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing is crucial before incorporating the technology into your business. Keep reading to know if cloud computing is right for your business.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing has become a central part of our lives. Due to its unmatched benefits, businesses embrace cloud computing, whether established or upstart. While cloud computing has several upsides, it has its exceptions that you need to know.

Advantages of Cloud Computing

The myriad benefits of cloud computing can be attributed to its spontaneous surge. Here are some of the cloud computing advantages that you stand to enjoy.


Cost reduction tops the list when analyzing the merits of cloud computing. Good servers are not cheap, and you’ll have to spend thousands of dollars to have the hardware functioning optimally. Ongoing hardware and software maintenance will also save you some monthly dollars.

What’s more, you’ll need a secure room where you set up the data system. The servers further require continuous cooling, meaning that you might incur unusually high air conditioning costs. Getting software licenses for these programs is also costly.

With cloud computing, you’ll save on various costs for your company. The cloud provider will be responsible for the infrastructure, utility management, and infrastructure. Besides, you won’t need to hire trained personnel to handle the hardware.


When analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing, reliability tops the list of benefits. If you have your own servers within your premise, hard drive failure can make you incur unbelievable losses. Your server-based apps and data will be unavailable unless you have a redundant array of independent discs.

Cloud providers have multiple servers where your data is stored. When one server experiences downtime, you can still get your data. Reliable cloud computing providers can even guarantee you about 99.99% uptime.

If there are server changes, the providers will notify you on time. You can read this article to understand more about computing and how it promotes reliability. It’s never too late to make the transition!

Strategic Edge

With the growing competition, having the latest applications is the best way to stand out. Cloud computing will allow you to access several apps, improving your functionality. The best part is that you don’t have to invest money and time in installation.

The cloud computing provider will also be maintaining the application for your company. You can focus your resources on other activities to keep your business competitive.


The average cost per breach in the U.S. has increased to $8.19 million as per a 2019 survey. Data breaches have become quite common. It would help to have a secure server to ensure that your employees’ and customers’ details are safe.

Arguably, cloud computing has more security features than in-house computing. Cloud providers follow several established standards to enhance your data’s security. They have several security features, including;

  • Advanced perimeter firewall
  • Data-at-rest encryption
  • Internal firewalls for databases and each application
  • Intrusion detection systems
  • Strong physical security in data centers

Disadvantages of Cloud Computing

It would help to know the advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing before transitioning. Cloud computing has several downsides that you need to know. Here are some of the disadvantages of cloud computing.


One of the main concerns with cloud computing is possible downtime. While servers are unlikely to have rest, limited access to the internet can hinder apps and data usage. You will not use the cloud if you don’t have internet access.

You can address the downtime issue by having solid mobile data plans. However, the option is quite expensive, and mobile devices often have limited battery life. When the power runs out, you will have a more significant issue accessing cloud services.

You’ll Have Limited Control

Once you move your services to the cloud, a cloud provider will control your information and data. You’ll have to trust that the cloud providers will store and manage your data best. If you want to completely control your data, outsourcing to cloud computing providers might not appeal to you.

Security Threats

Cloud computing offers unmatched security yet can also present a security risk. Understanding that cloud technology means sharing even your most sensitive data with third parties is crucial. Malicious people or malware might gain access and use the data for their selfish gains.

Vendor Lock-In

Changing cloud computing vendors is quite challenging. Disengaging and engaging with a different vendor might limit your ability to integrate your business programs with the new provider. Applications working with one platform might be incompatible with the new one.

The transition can further pose a risk to your entire data system. The inflexibility can be discouraging, especially if you are unsatisfied with your current vendor.

You Need to Know the Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloud Computing as a Business Owner

Cloud computing is efficient and cost-effective. When you check out the advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing, you’ll realize that the benefits outweigh the limitations. However, it would help evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing before making this significant move.

The analysis will help you establish if cloud computing resonates with your business. Nonetheless, it’s hard to deny that cloud computing will transform your business in a significant way. Technology is here to stay!

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