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5 Pro Tips to Building a Successful Startup

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5 tips to a successful startup

Starting a small business can be an exhilarating venture. Getting caught up in your dreams can be easy, assuming everything will be amazing and your business will be wildly successful.

It’s possible, but you must be practical and look at the facts. Statistics show that 50 percent of small businesses fail within their first five years of operation. Assuming you have a successful startup, there’s no guarantee that your business will be lucrative over time.

Fortunately, you can take steps to improve your odds of starting a business that’s both long-lasting and thriving. Keep reading for our top five tips.

1. Be Different

To be a successful startup, your business model must bring something new or unique. Whatever industry you’re in, you must consider the possible “game-changers” you can incorporate. Otherwise, why would consumers choose your products or services over another company?

Distinguish Your Business from Competitors

Start by figuring out what will help you stand out from your competitors. The harsh reality is that thousands of other businesses do the same thing you’re doing.

You can take a different perspective on products or services or find a unique niche or sub-niche to specialize in. Additionally, you can appeal to consumers by telling a fantastic story. Use marketing to set yourself apart from the other players in the industry.

Be All About the Consumer

Consumers will choose you over your competitors if they genuinely believe you care more about their needs. Ultimately, people don’t care about your company – they care about what your company can do for them. People won’t patronage your businesses out of a sense of obligation or charity.

The more you can make your business’s products, services, messages, and mission statements about the consumer, the better.

Be Prepared to Work for It

Finally, startups take time, resources, and dedication to get off the ground. However, it’s not just about getting your business started; it’s about putting in consistent effort to keep it running at total capacity.

Eventually, you may get to the point where you can step back and earn ridiculous money, but you must make that privilege. If you’re unwilling to put everything into creating a successful startup, you may want to rethink your priorities.

2. Do Your Homework

Working hard for your future business starts from day one. Before getting financed or talking to potential business partners or investors, you need to do your homework.

Conduct Thorough Market Research

Start by diving deep into market research. Learn everything there is to know about your industry. You need to ask yourself vital questions, such as:

  • What are the current and historical industry trends?
  • How saturated is the market in your area of operation?
  • What companies are your biggest competitors?
  • What are your most successful rivals doing right?
  • Where have other businesses failed before you, and why?
  • What are the current rates for the products or services you’ll be offering?
  • What is your growth potential?
  • What will your minimum costs be?
  • How difficult will it be to make a profit?

Create an In-Depth Business Plan

Your startup success will heavily rely on your financing. But before we get into your financing options, we need to talk about how you can get third parties to believe in your business enough to invest.

This is where you put your marketing research to work. You need to build an in-depth business plan based on the data you uncovered. It should include the following:

  • An engaging and compelling overview of your business
  • A description of your company
  • A detailed layout of your products/services
  • An analysis of your industry and its market (from your market research)
  • Your strategy/business model
  • The structure of your business (organization and management)
  • The finances (startup costs, operational costs, and financial projections)

3. Consider Various Funding Options

Next, remember that there is no singular formula for a successful startup. Therefore, if one door for funding closes, move on to the next. Here are the most common options.

Traditional Business Loans

Most business loans are granted through banks and other lenders. They offer relatively low, fixed interest rates. However, bank business loans often require a respectable credit history and credit score, which can disqualify some borrowers.

Lines of Credit

There are also revolving lines of credit. This funding option gives the borrower a maximum amount they can borrow at once, like a loan. However, they can take money out, put some back in, and take some out again as long as they stay under their cap.


If you can’t get approved for a loan or line of credit, your startup success may depend on third-party investors. You can look to angel investors, crowdfunding, friends, family, and more to get the funds you need. You can even consider bringing on a business partner with deep pockets.

4. Start Small

One of the biggest mistakes people make when starting a small business is jumping in head-first. While you must commit to and believe in your business, you should start small with minimal overhead.

While you may be tempted to go big immediately, doing so could overextend your finances and make it nearly impossible to meet ends. Instead, start smaller than you think is necessary and allow your business to grow with your customers. Expand once your business model has proven successful.

5. Don’t Go It Alone

Finally, remember that you don’t have to do this alone, nor should you. Unless you’ve studied multiple fields of business, you may not be fully qualified to run certain aspects of your business. Furthermore, gaining different perspectives on your company’s various issues can be quite helpful.

A successful startup business owner knows when to ask for help. This could include hiring marketing specialists, IT specialists, and legal aids.

We also recommend hiring business advisors to help you maximize your profits and minimize costs. This blog post can explain more about how they can benefit your business.

Do You Want to Build a Successful Startup?

If you want to have a successful startup, you have to work methodically. Take nothing for granted, and remember the tips listed above. There’s no reason you can’t be within 50 percent of successful businesses.

And if you’re looking for more great advice and information for your business, check out some of our other articles before you go!