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5 Tips To Write A Crunchbase Profile Like A Pro

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crunchbase business data

The way companies market themselves has vastly changed over the last ten years. Digital marketing strategies have completely changed the game as well. Businesses that want to succeed today have to provide more than just quality customer service because people have come to expect more.

On top of ensuring high-quality products or services and customer service, they need to communicate their company story and profile properly to attract customers.

Businesses that are serious about their digital marketing efforts are most likely already doing this in some way. Whether through social media profiles or a killer website experience, to exist today as a company practically requires an online presence. Having active Twitter and LinkedIn profiles is necessary for a business, but how can you stand out if your competitors have them too?

You can take your business’s online exposure to the next step by adding your organization to an online business database and creating a Crunchbase profile.

Why Crunchbase Is Beneficial

Crunchbase, like LinkedIn, is an online business listing website. Unlike LinkedIn, Crunchbase lists private and public companies information, including investments and funding information, acquisitions and mergers, and people in leadership positions. It was initially used to track start-ups, but now with the vast amount of data from companies around the globe, it can be used to predict and forecast trends among businesses. Therefore it’s a good research platform for marketers.

Having a Crunchbase profile for your business is helpful because it gives your stakeholders insight into your products and services and creates an extra data point. It also lets you add links to essential resources or content, like published stories or profiles about the company or its people. This helps give Crunchbase users an understanding of who you are as an organization, and if they desire, they can follow your profile to get your company updates.

Crunchbase is an excellent resource for venture capitalists as well as private companies or firms. One main reason is that it helps provide information on which start-ups to invest in. Crunchbase profiles can also trend, so if many people are on your profile looking at your company, it can attract more visitors. It also tells others that your company is one to watch since many people are interested in doing it.

How To Write The Perfect Crunchbase Profile

So, now that you know how having a Crunchbase profile can help boost your exposure, it’s time to create a shape. It isn’t enough to just quickly create one, though – you want to have a professional profile, get you noticed and proves to others that your business should be taken seriously. Here are five tips to help you write your perfect Crunchbase profile.

1. Fill out every field

My story

To have a perfect Crunchbase profile, you need to fill out the entire thing. That might seem obvious, but people will skim through the profile all too often, writing out thin and quick information without putting much thought into it. Instead, you should craft your profile and try to tell your story through relevant information.

Everything should be easy to understand and find. Try not to include anything that adds value to your business because you want your profile to act as a marketing tool.

Filling out all of your information can also help Google index your profile and company better, like if you include your nearest major city, for example, or add links to your other social media profiles. You can also add people in leadership roles who work at your company. These individuals’ profiles should also be filled out completely, adding as much relevant information as possible while still being easy to understand and concise.

You can view Crunchbase’s profile here for an example of an optimized business profile.

2. Keep your branding consistent

Your company’s branding should remain consistent on your Crunchbase profile, just as it is across all your other profiles. Consider some of the most famous companies worldwide, like Coca-Cola, Starbucks, or McDonald’s. As soon as you read their names, you think of their logo, right? That’s the result of consistent branding over the years.

If your company wants to have a similarly strong connection from your company name to your logo, you must ensure your branding is consistent too. Your Crunchbase profile should clearly display your logo and company colors to help your audience identify you.

3. Add visuals

People today are generally visual learners. If there’s an image paired with some information, people will retain 65% of the information three days later, compared to only retaining 10% of the information when there’s no visual. Try to include some sort of visual on your profile, apart from your company logo.

One idea could be an infographic that relates to your company story or products, or services somehow. Did you know statistically, infographics are shared on social media more than any other type of content? It could be a fad, though not if the image has text and visuals that create a lasting impression and your brand memorable.

4. Keep everything professional

Even if your brand’s tone of voice is relaxed or quirky and fun, Crunchbase is a professional platform. Your profile may be seen by major players like prospective investors, competitors and journalists, so you want to make sure you’re presenting your company in the best possible light. One tip is to refer to your company in the third person only, rather than saying “our company”. It sounds more professional and also helps with SEO ranking.

5. Update your profile

Whenever there’s an update in your company, you should update your profile to reflect the latest information. Since you’re listing information like your management team, company size, and any funding or acquisitions, updating your profile as soon as possible and as often as necessary is essential.

Letting any information go out of date can make it seem like your management is nonchalant about your company’s activity, which could look bad for potential investors.

Remember, this profile is a marketing tool to help add value to your online profile. Updating it should be an opportunity to share valuable information and showcase your business, so be wary of thinking about it like it’s just another task on your daily to-do list.

Keen to read more? Read this article on how to use influencers for marketing and PR.

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