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Increasing Brand Awareness Through Promotional Merchandise

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using promotional merchandise for brand awareness

Building brand recognition is not a simple task, especially if your business is in its fledgling stages or is looking to break into a new market niche.

However, you can do it with giveaways. Promotional merchandise can be a powerful tool for increasing brand awareness.

Additionally, promotional merchandise suppliers like Promotions Warehouse, make it less of a challenge. So, what about branded products makes it such a powerful tool for modern firms, especially in the age of digital marketing?

Making an impression

When people receive physical items with your brand logo or message, it creates a tangible presence for your brand in their lives. Unlike digital advertising, promotional merchandise allows individuals to interact with your brand in a physical space, reinforcing brand recall.

For brand awareness to grow, the brand itself needs to be memorable. To be first in mind, you will want your logo and message printed on a promotional product that customers will use regularly, like a coffee cup or mug.

Furthermore, promotional products gain traction with those who receive them first-hand and keep on building your brand’s reputation when they end up in the hands of others.

Additionally, promotional products often have a longer lifespan than digital or traditional advertising. Items like pens, mugs, or tote bags can be used repeatedly, extending the reach of your brand message over time. The more exposure your brand gets, the more likely it will be remembered.

Did you know two-thirds of people who receive a promotional product give it to friends, family members, or colleagues? Each item you order and distribute has a knock-on effect that will last much longer than you might assume.

We recommend giving away quality merchandise can create positive associations with your brand. If the promotional item is valuable, well-designed, or high quality, people are likelier to associate those positive qualities with your brand.

Leveraging sharability

The rise of social media has opened up many new marketing options for businesses of all sizes, particularly when it comes to influencer marketing tactics.

Even SMEs can ensure that their brands reach a broad audience when they hand out promotional products at industry events, giving them away to customers and workplace visitors.

Social media encourages people to share their experiences with their followers, and they are far more likely to mention a brand directly or even include its logo and messaging in their posts if they have some physical token to show off.

Outpacing competitors

Winning customers from an established rival is difficult but can be made much easier if promotional products are available to sweeten the deal.

Giving a promotional product as a free gift can be enough to sway previously loyal customers away from their preferred brand and over to yours while also associating positive attributes to your business, which will stick in the minds of those who make the leap.

When it comes to increasing brand awareness, it is always sensible to do this in a way that improves your reputation, especially if you are also eating into the client base of a competitor. At the same time, you should always pay attention to your brand protection. As you and your brand grow, there is a higher chance that one of the competitors will try to plunder what you have already gained by using your images or similar promotional products.

Providing practicality

It is no coincidence that most promotional products are not just purely aesthetically pleasing or entertaining; they also often perform proper functions that incentivize the owner to use them.

From USB memory sticks to umbrellas, the idea of practical promotional merchandise is not new, but it remains hugely relevant in building brand recognition.

The more a product is used, the more it will be embedded in the user’s mind while also being displayed to other people they interact with, allowing for brand awareness and recognition to grow organically. This is just one reason why quality merchandise will always be worth investing in and why it’s a booming market.

Summing Up

In summary, promotional merchandise is a tangible and enduring way to connect with your audience, create positive associations, and enhance brand visibility. When done strategically, it can significantly increase brand awareness and recognition.