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Classification Of Manufacturing Operations And Types

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The manufacturing process is basically a complex activity, which deals with people who have a wide number of disciplines and expertise and a wide range of machinery, tools, and equipment with many types of automation, such as computers, robots and other equipment series.

Manufacturing needs must be receptive to many needs and developments. Representing individual processes by a company to produce goods for sale to consumers.

Manufacturing Overhead

The manufacturing overhead is including all the marginal costs associated with the production process. Although steel, mining, or automobiles may be the first industries that came to mind, fast food restaurants, postal service, and construction companies are other businesses with similar functions, which take place in a service-style environment.

Direct materials

Direct materials include all raw materials or goods required for the production of products. For example, a computer manufacturer would need a circuit board, chips, hard drive, CD-ROM and other pieces to make a computer. Without these parts, the company cannot produce goods desired by consumers. Some manufacturers will use intermediate goods as part of their direct materials.

Computer manufacturers, for example, cannot produce the required memory chips. Therefore, they buy these from the chip maker. To produce goods in manufacturing operations, come from persons employed to operate machines or hand-finished products. This direct labor is generally skilled labor, meaning that workers require some education or experience to produce goods.


Producers who produce goods may use non-skilled labor in their manufacturing operation if they have a robust assembly line system. This requires very little forethought or planning for the production of goods; Workers will directly manipulate the materials required to produce finished goods.

Types of manufacturing processes:

Following are 4 types of manufacturing processes

1. Machining

The tools used for machining are stationary electrically powered units used to make or shape solids, particularly metals. The formation is done by removing excess materials from the workpiece. Machine tools form the foundation of advanced industry and are used either indirectly or directly in the manufacture of tool parts. They are classified under three main categories:

  • Traditional chip making equipment
  • Press
  • Modern Machine Tools

2. Connect

Each joining approach requires a special design, while some joint requirements may propose a particular joining approach.

Designs for assembly and selection of fasteners apply their own specifications. For example, bolting is a standard fastening method, but can cut the weight of welding assemblies. Naturally, the joints made for the two approaches will differ significantly.

3. Formation

Metal construction is the approach of making metal components by deforming the metal, but not by removing, cutting, shearing, or breaking any part.

Bending, spinning, drawing and stretching are some of the important metal forming processes in manufacturing. Dye and punching tools such as metal presses are applied for this manufacturing process.

4. Casting

Casting is a manufacturing process to the appropriate temperature (sometimes processed to change its chemical formula), and then into a mold or cavity is added. Thus, in just one step, complex or simple shapes can be prepared from any type of metal that has melting capacity. The final product can have any arrangement that the designer wants.