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Advantages Of Using Psychometric Testing For Hiring Employees

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Recruitment is an expensive process. Businesses do not want to spend an excessive amount of money on recruitment if they are unable to hold on to new recruits. Therefore, it is important to utilise various recruitment strategies to attract the right candidates for jobs and hire the best talent who sticks around.

While there are a number of recruitment strategies available for hiring talented employees, psychometric testing is one thing that offers a number of advantages for employers. If you run a business and are looking to hire new employees, you should definitely use psychometric testing in order to hire the right employees who are likely to stay with the company for long.

It is also important to keep in mind that psychometric testing isn’t meant to be the only strategy that should be used but it should be used along with other strategies that are already in place. Here is a list of some of the benefits of psychometric tests.

Pros of Psychometric Testing

One of the biggest advantages of psychometric testing is that it can be utilised by organisations of all sizes. You don’t necessarily need to have a large corporation in order to use this recruitment strategy.

Even if you run a small or medium-sized business, you can use this recruitment strategy as part of the overall recruitment process in order to attract and hire right candidates. This strategy can be used to get a general idea about the ability and personality of a candidate.

Acing an interview is not enough

Interviews are utilised by all organisations while recruiting people and it’s important to ask the right questions during the interview in order to check the abilities as well as personality of the candidate. However, there are times when interviews are not necessarily the right tool to use for recruitment.

There are times when you will come across a candidate who is perfect for the job but they don’t know how to give a proper interview. Sometimes, it might be due to lack of practice or the person is having a bad day or due to nerves or for several reasons.

Similarly, a candidate might show lots of confidence during the interview as the candidate might have aced the art of the interview. They might have the ability to give well-rehearsed answers to each question but it does not make them the best fit for your organisation.

After all, the recruitment process should be geared to find the right fit for the position and here is where psychometric testing can help you set a benchmark where you can compare the results of new candidates with the results of people already thriving within the company in order to weed out candidates who are not the right fit for your organisation.

Create a short list of candidates to interview

As mentioned in the beginning, recruitment is not cheap. It costs a lot of money and is also time consuming, especially if you are unable to find the right candidates straightaway. Psychometric testing can help in saving time and money as it’s typically used right at the start of the process which means you are not forced to sift through hundreds of application forms.

In case you are recruiting for a company that attracts thousands of applicants for each role, the strategy can help you with effective filtering. Psychometric testing will help you call only those people for the interview process who meet a set criteria based on their personality and their abilities.

Compare apples with apples

Since this recruitment strategy offers a standardised approach, it is fair for you as well as the candidates as everyone has to go through the same process. In case of interviews, there are times when interviewers are impressed by the personality or demeanour of the candidate instead of their ability and them being fit for the position.

Since this is a standardised approach, it means that everyone is tested using the same process and there is no scope for anyone favouring one person over another when it comes to finding the right person.

Use psychometric testing to measure skills

One of the main reasons this process works is that it focuses on measuring the abilities and skills of prospective employees and not just their education. While education is definitely important for recruitment along with academic achievement and work experience, these are not the only things you should consider while hiring an employee.

An academically brilliant person might not always prove to be capable in the workplace.

Similarly, this recruitment strategy will also allow you to give a chance to people who might not be academically brilliant but otherwise have the right capabilities and personality for that vacancy. It will also help in preventing the hiring of overqualified candidates.

Avoid choosing the overqualified candidates

Hiring overqualified candidates for the position is a big mistake as they are not suited for the role and will feel unfulfilled which leads to frustration and eventual resignation. It is not good for you when it comes to staff retention and you will soon have to repeat the process of recruitment which simply means a huge waste of time and money.

Use the tests at any stage in the hiring process

You can use psychometric testing at any stage of the recruitment process. While it is recommended to use it right at the beginning but there is nothing that stops you from using it in the middle of the recruitment process. In fact, there are organisations that use different types of psychometric testing in order to compare the results and make sure they are on the right path when it comes to recruitment for their organisation.


Overall, there are a variety of recruitment strategies available today that can help you find the right employee who is not only qualified for the job but is also the right fit for your organisation. Psychometric testing should be seen as an additional recruitment tool that will help you weed out candidates who might seem qualified for the job but may not be the right fit for your organisation.