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5 Most Popular Methods You Must Undertake For Employee Training

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The importance of employee training today is not unknown. Almost all organizations find it critical to train their employees to constantly meet the dynamic skill requirement for rapidly changing intelligent technologies. But, do your employees often feel bored with your training? It is likely that you are not choosing the right training method.

Well, don’t get stressed out already! Read on as we have mentioned the five most popular methods (both traditional and modern) you must adopt for training employees at the workplace.

Traditional training methods

As unusual as it may sound, but the fact that various traditional training programs offer a host of benefits remains unchanged. Follow this list to know more about the same.

The instructor-led classroom training program

Do you know that the traditional classroom-based training program is widely used by 13% of organizations? Well, it has been around for a long time and for all the good reasons.

It is similar to an educational environment wherein a subject-matter expert prepares a powerpoint presentation or any such visual accompaniment for training purposes, thereby creating a classroom experience. The method allows for personal interaction amongst everyone and also empowers relationship building between the trainer and trainee, and amongst fellow trainees who are learning together.

However, one of the major drawbacks associated with this training method is the lack of scalability. The instructor needs to be present at all times which sometimes is not possible and the scenario gets even complicated with the increasing class size.

Interactive training methods

The simple instructor-led classroom training methods are taken to a new level with interactive methods. These include several group discussions, case study reviews, role-playing, quizzes, and demonstrations.

As the name suggests, this approach is a great way to add fun to the learning experience of employees. Not just this, learners are likely to retain what they’ve learned too. When employes are implementing this training method, they must ensure that all employees are participating so that all benefits of the program are well reaped.

On-the-job training

52% of adults say that the best way to learn is through active participation. And, on-the-job training is the training method which facilitates learning through participating. Employees of an organization are not only involved in learning but they also participate in similar activities. These are usually the ones relating to their job role. It helps boost knowledge recollection and improve information retention. However, a large amount of input is required from the end of employees which can prove to be challenging, let alone time-consuming.

Modern training methods

The modern world of today comprises employees who prefer to work remotely and prefer different training methods. So, the ways to cater to their requirements have also changed and are inclined towards digital and social. Read on to know more.

Social Learning method

Learning from others by observing, imitating, and modelling their behaviour is defined as social learning. This method is increasingly being adopted incorporates to facilitate learning and development. Unlike other training methods, social learning supports constant learning. The learners leverage their expertise on an on-demand basis to obtain the desired information by different means like discussion forums, searching wikis, or anything similar.


If you’re looking for a training program that eliminates the need for a live facilitator, e-learning is the best option for you. Today, it is intrinsic to all and has become one of the widely recognized training programs. It not only is the most preferred method for training existing employees but has also earned a reputation for being the trusted new hire training program provider.

eLearning offers a multitude of benefits to learners right from being easily accessible, scalable and flexible. Learners can schedule the learning as per their convenience. It also means that they can learn on the go and via any portable device. The drawback? High development costs and a little expensive learning management system that needs to be purchased.

So, now that you’re aware of the five most popular workplace training methods, chose the best one for your employees and implement it soon.