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Why The Little Things Matter In The Workplace

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employee recognition program

Like with many things, in business, it’s the small things that make the most significant difference. By small things in business operations, you can liken them to the cogs in the machine which keep it running or the tiny tank level sensor in a big tanker that is vital for safety. Plus, the small things keep your staff happy and your customers returning to buy more from you.

In this business blog, we take a quick look at some small things that significantly impact a business’s success.

Smalls Teams

Research shows that employees are more engaged and productive when they work in smaller organizations or teams. One of the biggest reasons that small teams work well is because every team member can see the difference they are making in the group’s success or failure. It gives them a sense of personal accountability and purpose, which drives individual productivity and increases employee engagement.

Create a Supportive Work Culture

This is a huge thing that needs to be considered in the workplace, and it’s simple and small things such as message boards that make a massive difference in creating supportive work relationships and friendly environments in the workplace. If many people in your workforce work remotely, having somewhere they can chat about specific topics virtually is essential.

You spend most of your waking weekday hours at work; for many, this is more time with colleagues than with your own families. The benefits of a positive and supportive work environment include increased creativity, productivity, and happiness and increased stress levels sinking significantly.

Celebrate the Small Stuff

A little praise goes a long way! Don’t wait until your employees do something huge before you dish out the compliments. Recognize the small yet powerful contributions they make to the business goal daily.

The key to successful regular recognition is to stay relevant, meaningful, and authentic. It only takes a small thank you for meeting a deadline or a simple ‘good job’ for completing a task. Research shows that 75% of employees who receive at least monthly recognition are satisfied with their job, so these little things really do make a difference.

With the great resignation and desire to contribute as freelancers retaining your elite employees takes work. You can build your company culture that promotes diversity and equality. Plus, improve team communication with collaboration tools and get input from your staff, so your employee recognition programs are up to the task. There are many ways you can pat someone on the back for a job well done. The same goes for employees who show they have thought outside the box and have ideas to improve your business from its customer acquisition, to its customer service.

Continuous Development

Providing opportunities for your employees to continually develop shows them you care about them, their career, and their growth, giving them the power and confidence to think big.

Make sure that your team always has access to the knowledge and skills that they need to do their best in their role and for them to be able to innovate. This will not only build their confidence but also encourage them to step outside their comfort zone.


65% say training and development is their top work motivator. However, today, so many people just don’t have the time to work and put in the hours to complete excellent training. Microlearning is the answer to this, thanks to microlearning technology which can deliver bite-sized chunks of training content straight to your employees’ phone. This means they can access training whenever and wherever they need to. We have written a business blog article on the benefits of microlearning as it’s a fascinating topic for owners, managers, and anyone in human resources.