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3 Strategies on how to choose the right client devices for your business!

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Technology has made it possible for businesses to thrive in so many different ways. The accessibility to different audiences, and the ability to provide products and services from far away is all thanks to developments in tech. Nowadays, it would be difficult to find a business that is not implementing technology into their day-to-day operations. From Fortune 500 companies to small local stores, businesses in every field is using tech to enhance their clientele reach and expand their possibilities for profit.

However, with massive developments in tech comes an abundance of choices to be made. Choosing the right devices for your business might seem like a minute decision, but it can make a world of difference for your clients. Here are three things to keep in mind when choosing the right client device for your business:

Which Type of Device Do You Need?

Laptop – A laptop is much more compact than a desktop computer but has all the capabilities and more. Laptops were once an innovation in making business and work mobile. However, it is now being considered a tool that might be left at home or the office. While the laptop is great for longer and more complex tasks such as running statistics or creating memos and longer pieces of writing, it is increasingly being put aside for more mobile and accessible devices.

Smartphone- The future of business lies in mobility and instant communication. Smartphones have created the ability to get instant communication between businesses and clients. For many businesses, it has become the primary client device as well. There are many different applications developed for smartphones to help businesses perform transactions and tasks quicker than they would be done on a computer. These can be a good option for your business if you need something to make uncomplicated transactions or need a simple way to interact with clients.

Tablet – Tablets are by far the most transformative piece of tech for businesses, especially for stores or service-based businesses. Tablets are just as mobile as smartphones but have greater capabilities than a smartphone. They are approachable for clients and often have better battery life than a smartphone. The applications for tablets are often much more developed and user-friendly than those for smartphones. They are less vulnerable to viruses or malware than a laptop. However, you may want to keep in mind that tablets do have their limitations when it comes to storage and for more involved tasks that may be made easier with the use of a keyboard.

Which Platform?

iOS – Apple’s operating system is a popular one among businesses, especially storefront businesses. Their applications are designed to be easy to use as well as appealing. They are often simple and designed to be used for the masses. Also, it is a closed platform, thus making it less vulnerable to hacking and viruses. However, this closed system does come with some disadvantages. Many of the apps are not able to be customized, so you may have to tailor your business around your app rather than adapt the app to your needs.

Android – Just like Apple’s iOS, android tries to make their operating system as user-friendly as possible. Applications are often easy to learn and use. There is broad support for the platform, so if any issues come up, you are likely to easily find a solution. Unlike iOS, Android does allow for more customization. This open system can be helpful for those that are looking for something that can be tweaked to their needs. However, this available system and ability to endless customization do have some downfalls. The ability to continually make changes to your system can make it difficult to create consistency for clients.

Windows – While Windows may reign supreme when it comes to desktop computers and even has some great laptops on the market, their operating system has been behind on development when it comes to their mobile options.

How Will You Store Data?

On Device – Choosing the right client device for your business also needs to consider how you want to store your data. Some devices have better capabilities for storage than others. Laptops are the best bet when it comes to storing data on a device. The room for storage is significantly larger than tablets or mobile phones.

Cloud – Some might prefer using cloud storage instead of storing on a device. In that case, a tablet or mobile phone might be just as useful. Some also advocate that cloud storage can actually be a safer choice and a more dependable choice of storage than storing on a device.

Overall, choosing the right client device can often depend on many different factors. Truly the best way to figure out the best client device for your business is to know precisely what you need the device to do and ease of usage. Shop for devices with an open mind and make sure to thoroughly ask how that device can help enhance the experience for your clients.