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How Quality Management Systems Are Helpful in Testing Laboratories?

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Testing Laboratories are an important part of manufacturing goods or new products. These products can be anything; they can be cosmetics or capsules or any daily utilities. But these cannot be released to the public without testing them.

The products that are used by people should not harm them in any way. That’s why the testing laboratories are established. The testing facilities are those which acknowledge the organizations and the companies are qualified enough to perform all the safety testing. Then, a certification is issued to all the specific products. These testing laboratories provide the safety testing and certification of those specified products services to various manufacturing companies.

The testing laboratories also need to have a separate quality management system to help them in the safety testing. These quality management systems would then weed out the low-quality products and a certification to the manufacturing company is issued.

Now, an effective quality management system is the one which delivers superior and high-quality test results in the testing laboratory. This quality management system also has a specific standard to maintain.

Let’s see how quality management system is helpful in the testing laboratories. But first here is a detailed explanation of what a quality management system is.

What is a Quality Management System?

It’s a known fact that quality is not an easy task and it cannot be brought without any planning or action. It involves a lot of hard work, knowledge and the right men at work. You need to control the external and internal factors which are affecting the product to bring proper quality.

And managing the quality is known as the quality management system. There are various principles, features and the methods how it is done. But according to ISO standards, there are a total of 8 principles in the management system and they are applied in all the fields and manufacturing industries.

No matter how small or big or domestic or international, they are applied everywhere and for every single product where the Quality Management System proves effective to deliver the desired end product to the customers.

What does A QMS do in Laboratories?

A Quality Management System in the laboratory is an effective working and yet complicated process, involving various steps and iterations of many activities and many people. The effectivity and reliability of the QMS depend on many processes and procedures before declaring the final model. The QMS model is defined as a ‘management system to direct and control an organization with regard to quality’

QMS sticks to a set of factors to control the production and the quality by setting the records and necessary internal/external audits. The labs are supposed to maintain all the records of trials and their curative and preventive measures. QMS works on eliminating that 1% of error which exist despite maintaining the 99% of accuracy. Thus the Quality is managed according to the customer’s demand and requirement.

Also, they have to assess what and how they are making the product. If you are controlling the quality department of a manufacturing company, your work includes a lot of proper planning, making postulates, fixing deadlines, making the product appear secure, safe and ergonomic at the same time and then making the total process flow.

How do QMS Principles Work in Testing Laboratories?

The QMS is established in compliance with the ISO 17025: 2005 – the international standard for accreditation of testing laboratories. QMS is globally accepted as a working way of procedure to impart the quality in the laboratories.

There are 8 quality management principles and they are:

  • Customer focus
  • Leadership
  • Involvement
  • Approach to the process
  • System approach to the management
  • Constant Improvement
  • Decision-Making Tactics
  • Mutual Supplier relationship.

These are the eight principles which affect the Quality Management System. Customer focus is the most important because the whole business is to serve the demands of the quality to the customers. They have to know what quality the customers like and dislike. Also, they have to take some good decisions so as to succeed in their goals.

The testing laboratories need to spend more time and resources to understand what people want. This is how you can achieve quality. If you know how to give what customers want, the businesses will automatically minimize the unnecessary resources and services in the production thus making more profits.

Testing laboratories provide vital services to their customers who expect accurate results produced at the appropriate time and at a reasonable cost. Moreover, feedbacks and reviews that are been taken once every 12 months, have to be taken under consideration for further improvement before launching the final outcome. Adoption of the quality management system (QMS) by a laboratory would facilitate achieving these goals.

How is this useful in the Testing Laboratories?

In testing laboratories, the manufactured product is tested. It means even the ongoing tested products have to be quality assured.

Also, to assure there is proper quality in testing, this quality management system is useful. Auricular planning, strategy, and work are planned. This is done so as to achieve better quality results and sustainability.

Moreover, with the quality management system, there is more ability in the workers to reduce any kind of errors and once and for all eliminate them. If there are no errors, the outcome of the testing and verification in the laboratories is done perfectly and is enhanced.

This will make sure the testing process of the products go on successfully and these specific products have the full possibility of getting accredited by the Board or the Government itself.  Also, the Quality Management System makes sure the testing process is accurate, reliable, on time and proper.

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