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The Skillseeker’s Solution – 7 Ways to Make Yourself More Employable

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Are you fresh out of university and on the hunt for a job? Or are you someone who is simply looking to take a leap and change your career? If so, the time has come for you to find ways in which you can make yourself more employable. It is a competitive world out there, and in order to land your dream job, you need to know how to truly make full use of your skills and talents to the best of your ability. After all, employers are looking for the best of the best. In this article, we will be looking at 7 ways in which you can make yourself more employable, so read on to find out more!

1. Further Your Education

One of the best ways you can truly make yourself employable is to further both your skills set and your education. Whichever field you are in, it never hurts to brush up on your existing skills. Even better, acquire new ones. For example, if you work in the airline industry, it won’t hurt to enrol yourself in some airport courses to widen your knowledge in your field of work. The less time a company needs to train you, the better. You can be sure that you will be scoring on the employability factor if you have taken the initiative to further your education.

2. Keep That Resume Updated

It is important that you keep your resume as up to date as possible. If you’ve enrolled in a course, don’t forget to add that in. Even if you’ve had a 1 month part time gig, don’t be shy to add it to your list of past jobs. Creating an entire resume from scratch can be daunting, so it would be much simple to continuously add to it as your career progresses.

3. Intern or Sign Up For Work Placements

If you are freshly out of university, internships and work placements are your best friends. Although you may not be paid much, or even at all, getting the experience that you need is crucial in getting your foot into your industry of choice. Employers are often looking out for people who already have experience in a job scope, and the only way to get this if you’re freshly out of school is to readily take on work placements and internship. The knowledge you learn about your industry through this process will also be of great value to your career.

4. Network and Use Social Media

Even if you’re not a big fan of social media, having a good presence online will definitely up your chances of employment. Building a good profile on networks such as LinkedIn will really increase your chances of landing your dream job. You will be able to connect with like minded individuals and who knows, you may even be head hunted by a company that has come across your profile online. The internet is here to stay, so make as much use of it as you can!

5. Be Flexible

The journey to success is an upward hill, so allowing some flexibility in your expectations is truly essential. If you’re always chasing for that high paying role and ignoring all the steps needed to get there, that’s all you will ever be doing – chasing. Learn to be flexible in your income expectations, work hours and job role. Everyone has to start somewhere!

6. Dress Smart

First impressions really do count. If you want to land your dream job, you need to look the role. This means investing in some quality workwear, and dressing to impress. If you look sharp and well kempt when you walk into that interview room, you will brim with confidence and leave a great impression in your interviewer’s mind. Dressing well shows initiative, and sends the message that you are serious about the job you are applying for.

7. Believe In Yourself

Last but not least, believe in yourself. Negative thoughts are a quick way to propel yourself towards failure. Positive thinking and a healthy attitude will reflect in how you carry yourself, and the impression that others have of you. Stop doubting yourself and just go for it!

We hope that these 7 ways to make yourself more employable have given you more insight into how you can get one step closer to landing your dream job.

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