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Tips to Secure Your Company Both Physically and Virtually

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If you think your business is safe from crime and burglary, you’re turning a blind eye to your company’s security.

According to a 2015 FBI Crime Report, there were 283,820 robberies in 2015 and only 16 percent accounted for residences. But that’s only part of the equation. There’s more at risk than burglars forcing their way into a brick and mortar business and stealing inventory.

Identity Theft Resource Center reported that U.S. companies and government agencies suffered a record 1,093 data breaches, accounting for a 40% increase over 2015. The numbers will only continue to rise as hackers become savvier and companies struggle to keep up. That’s why it’s crucial to develop a plan to secure your company both physically and virtually. Here’s how to get started.

Hire a virtual guard service

Not all companies need a physical security guard in place, whether they have third shift employees who can watch things or just feel the hassle isn’t worth it. But your company shouldn’t be left vulnerable. Instead, you can hire a virtual guard to keep an eye on your company without being physically there.

A virtual guard is just a fraction of the cost of hiring an on-site security guard. A two-way audio, rigorous guard protocol and CCTV video surveillance help keep your company safe and your security needs running efficiently. Certain services also allow you to convert an existing system into licensed and trained virtual guards with video monitoring personnel.

Monitor your employees

Although a virtual guard service can keep an eye on your business and employees, you still need to extend some oversight to monitor what’s going on in your office. Giving your employees free rein of your data could be a disaster waiting to happen.

For starters, disgruntled employees could resell or compromise sensitive data and put your reputation at risk. However, even the most trustworthy employees may accidentally compromise your data. Accessing customer files through public Wi-Fi at a coffee shop can expose your data to hackers. Checking work email on their personal device with third-party apps can also infiltrate your data without even knowing it. Set up policies and procedures for how data is accessed, who can access it and how it’s used.

Backup your data

We already touched on the paramount importance of keeping your data secure and monitoring your employee’s virtual access. Now it’s time to take it a step further and get cyber-savvy.

Make sure your data is backed up with military-grade encryption.

Get the right insurance

Keeping the right insurance can make or break your company. 40% of small businesses never reopen after a catastrophe like a hurricane. Make sure you have the right insurance, along with a disaster plan for recovery, to cover all damages from equipment to lost revenue.

There’s another type of insurance your business may be overlooking. With cyber-attacks on the rise, more companies are looking at cyber liability insurance to cover the first and third party risks of doing online business. A solid policy should cover everything from privacy issues to intellectual property infringement and tackle the expenses of a hack. Think of it this way: Protecting your brick and mortar business and inventory but not the business side of your business leaves half of your livelihood vulnerable.

The most important thing in protecting your company both physically and virtually is taking action immediately. The sooner you start protecting your physical and digital assets, the safer your business will be.

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