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Protecting Your Business From Lawsuits

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keeping up with compliance requirements

For as good as you are running your business, or for as good as you are at being an employee within your current industry, there’s always the chance that a lawsuit is going to head your way one way or another. And that’s why it’s important to understand what some of your protective options are.

When it comes to things like injuries to employees, issues with licensing, copyright infringement, or even wrongful termination, there are lawsuits written all over those situations. They can have serious, catastrophic, and dire consequences. So you need to know what your rights are, and you need to know how to utilize the legal system to your advantage.

Injuries To Employees 

Unfortunately, even in the safest environments, there will always be >injuries to employees.

So from a legal standpoint, the question is, what can you do about that? As long as your business has followed all of the necessary safety regulations, you should be fairly well protected. However, if the injury occurred because of employee negligence, then although you want to do everything you can to ensure that they heal and can come back to work, it will be a different legal perspective because you’re not at fault.

Licensing Issues

Especially if you deal in the digital world, you have to protect some of your output from the perspective of licensing issues.

For example, if you sell jingles to companies to use on their advertising projects, you need to make sure that they understand how they can use that music.

If they attempted to sell your jingle further on down the chain, you would have the legal opportunity to sue them. By the same token, if you try to use the licenses you have for artistic output incorrectly, other people can sue you. So it’s better to follow the rules to the T when it comes to contractual obligations.

Copyright Infringement

Close to the idea of licensing is the concept of copyright infringement.

If you have any aspect of your business copyrighted, no one else can use it outside of the fairly narrow range of fair use opportunities. You have to know when you can sue an individual or another company if they are making money off of your artistic output.

To protect yourself, make sure all of your original productions are organized and copyrighted accordingly.

Wrongful Termination

Hiring and firing is a part of any business.

However, you need to make sure that when you hire an employee, they can’t come at you for wrongful termination. You need to be very clear about why they’re getting fired, and you need to make sure that the reasons for the firing in the first place are legal. States have different rules and regulations about this matter specifically, so situations can vary from case to case.